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The next morning me and Lamelo packed our things and got ready to fly back to Charlotte.
We did our best at acting like nothing had happened between the two of us, no matter how much we wanted to talk about it.

We had our lovey dovey moment now it's time to get back in business mode. Lamelo paid me and gave me a $300 tip. "Thanks for last night." He said while giving me a snack on my butt.

"Yeah, Yeah. I remember. Business mode."
I got a couple hours of sleep and we landed in Charlotte. I carried Lamelo's heavy bags to the car and loaded them in the trunk. Seriously! Is he smuggling crack in there?? The shits heavy!

Lamelo drove me home and huggged me goodbye.
"It never happened...Okay?"
"Right. It never happened."

"Mom?" I called in the doorway.
"I'm in the kitchen Mi hija!" She answered. I put my suitcase next to the wall and greeted her with a hug and some kisses on her cheek.
"I saw you two were having the time of your life on Instagram!" She said.
"Yes mom," I giggled. "We had quite a lot of fun."
The only "fun" I was actually thinking about is the wild sex we had the night before.

Me and my mom decided to go for a little walk in the city and talk about a little bit of everything. It was like a little mommy daughter date. As we left the ice cream shop we ran into someone. A familiar face... Lonzo! What was he doing here in Charlotte?

"Hi Lonzo!" I said hugging him.
"Hey! Glad to see you again!"
"How's your daughter?"
"Doing great! She's with her mom for the week but hopefully I can get her to come down here since I'm visiting."
I introduced Lonzo to my mom and they hit it off really well!

I gave Lonzo my phone number so we can catch up and he could call me at any time.
Me and my mom Drove home and she went to bed. I don't blame her, All that walking wore me out too!
And just then, I got a text from Lonzo.

Zo: Hey Ronnie!
Me: Hey Zo.
Zo: Are you busy right now?
Me: Nope...
Zo: Can you come over to my condom?
Me: can I WHAT-
Zo: oops I meant "Condo" can you come over?
Me: okay sure.

I went to my mom's room and wrote her a note letting her know I was going over to a friends house just in case she woke up from her sleep.
Lonzo sent me his address and I drove over to his condo apartments.

I knocked on the door and there he was looking down on me smiling. He pulled me into a hug and invited me right in. "So what did you wanna do?" I asked.
"I just needed someone to talk to."
He rolled up some weed he had got from a bag and started smoking it.
"Oops. Where are my manners?" He said nervously. "Want some?" He put the blunt up to my mouth.
"No thanks..." I told him. "I'm not really a smoker."

"Awww come onnn. Try some. It makes you feel good." He said while realizing another puff of smoke.
"No seriously Zo. I'm fine."
Lonzo sat there and talked to me about everything. Basketball, Babymama Drama, Life in New Orleans, his annoying Dad, Everything. I could tell he was a little high because he put his arm around me and was all over me. I pushed him off and told Lonzo that he was high and he started to chill out for a bit. I was a little tired as I did rest my head on his chest and we watched one of those corny Tyler Perry movies.

After about an hour, the door opened. Lamelo had came in with 2 bags of groceries in his hands.
"Heyyy what's up Melo!" Lonzo said happily. He was still high. And I think he was a little TOO high because he rested his hand on my boob and then put his other hand on the other boob.

Not only did this look like we were on something but it was also weird, Lonzo was 24 years old almost 25 and I had just turned 18 not even two months ago.

Lamelo didn't say anything back. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I know there was an aching pain in his heart too.
"Lamelo..." I started while getting up from the couch.

"I know exactly what you're thinking but it's not like that!"
"You must have been sleeping around with my brother!" He yelled. "I knew something was off about you. That's why you didn't show any emotion towards me at first!"

"At first??? At first I didn't even KNOW Lonzo Existed!" I yelled back.
"LIAR!" He screamed at me.
"Why are you accusing me Melo?? You know I'm not like this!!" Tears started forming in my eyes again.
"Oh god don't start with that crying shit..." He said annoyed.
There was a moment of silence.

"It's over." Lamelo said hanging his head.
"It's Over? What's Over? I'm not you're girlfriend Lamelo, I'm your-"
"Exactly." He cut me off. "This whole escort deal thing... it's done. I don't need you."

Tears started running down my face.
"Don't bother texting me or Calling me. I'm also taking security watch off your house too. Your mom can watch herself."

"Melo please..." I cried out.
He snatched off my necklace I had bought the one night in Miami.
I held my neck in pain and cried out as Lamelo left me there, at the doorway, sobbing.

Lonzo tried to comfort me but I told him I was going home.

I drove home and ran up to my bedroom. I cried my eyes out for hours. He never snapped on me like that! Ever!

I was going to Miss the Traveling, Going to games jumping up and rooting for the Hornets, nights at the Club, The private jet rides, But most of all I was going to miss Melo.....

...... 'MY Melo.'

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