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I hurried up the steps in urge to see the surprise.
Lamelo was standing in the hallway waiting for me.

"It's another thing for the baby." Lamelo said.
"What did you get matching clothes or something?" I asked.

"Just wait and see." Lamelo smiled.
He took out a key and unlocked the door to a certain room.

He held my hand as we both stepped in and I was shocked, speechless, I didn't know where to start!

He held my hand as we both stepped in and I was shocked, speechless, I didn't know where to start!

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"A room fit for a princess!" Lamelo said as he smiled.
"Babe! You really outdid yourself!" I gushed while hugging him tight.

"I mean, it's perfect! So Royal and elegant too!"
"I'm glad you like it." He said looking down on me.
I looked back at him nearly flirting with my eyes.

We began to kiss and he lifted my left leg onto his hip.

"Mm..Lamelo not in the baby's room!" I laughed.
"She's not even here yet." He snickered.

We went back into our room and Lamelo ran a nice hot bath for us.
I put on a silk red robe while waiting for the tub to fill up.

"Lamelo you've been doing such a great job with me during this pregnancy, I'm really proud of you." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks for even giving me another chance." He said. "I'm really lucky to have you Ronnie, you're my number one priority, never a choice."

The bath was finally ready, me and Lamelo got in and had a very good conversation about basketball, the baby, the media, all that stuff.

My phone rang and I dried my hands off to pick up.
"Oh, it's B." I smiled.
"Why is he always calling? Don't he got a life to live?"
"Lamelo, don't be rude."

"Hi B!" I said happily.
"Hey girl, how ya doin?" He asked.
"Really good! Lamelo planned a beautiful baby shower and decorated the nursery B! It was so cute."

"That's great! How's the baby?"
"She's doing just fine! Continuing to grow each day!" I laughed.
"I'm glad! I can't wait to see my little mama when she comes out!" He said.

Lamelo furrowed his eyebrows.
"That's MY little mama, Ingram." Lamelo said annoyed.
"I don't know how we would be able to tell! Knowing I knocked up Ronnie too!" He chuckled.

Lamelo stared at me in disbelief.
"B...you didn't need to say all of that..." I said nervously.

Lamelo hurried himself out the bath and slammed the bathroom door.
Just as things were going good! Everything was going perfect! I don't wanna be back on square one!

"Dammit B!" I said angrily.
"I didn't mean it Ronnie! I sw-"

I hung up the phone on Ingram and quickly dried myself off.
I threw on my robe too.
I thought Lamelo would never find out, but today must be my lucky day huh?

I opened the door slowly and saw Lamelo sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his palms.

"Lamelo.." I said.
"So when did all this happen huh?" He asked. "You minus well open your legs to the whole damn league!"
I could tell he was frustrated but that is not how you should talk to your pregnant girlfriend.

I sat beside him.
"Lamelo, what me and Ingram did was while we were broken up, and I was already pregnant by you, but it was only a one time thing okay? If you wouldn't have came at me so hard and listened, I would have never had sex with him."

Lamelo looked at me.
"So it my fault now? You had a whole other dude up inside you? With my baby in there? Fucking disgusting." He said.

I looked down and could feel my bottom lip quiver, the hot tears running down my face, and my heart slowly starting to ache again.

Lamelo must have realized he reacted a bit to strongly and pulled me into a hug.
"I didn't mean it, I was just mad." He told me.

"No!" I pushed him away. "I'm starting to think you're bipolar! You have issues Lamelo!" I cried out.

"Listen, I'm trying my best!" He said. "I'm not bipolar, I just got frustrated and realized I was wrong." He came over to where I was standing and hugged me from behind.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie. Words can hurt, what I said was out of line." He said to me resting his head on my shoulder.

He wiped away my tears and started to rub on my baby bump.
And there we were in the middle of the room, rocking slowly, in silence.

Lamelo then Broke the Silence.
"We can take this relationship step by step babe." He said. "I don't wanna move super fast like we did before, we gotta take time to really get to know each other and understand each other more."

I nodded and stayed silent.
"But we can go at a normal pace, I just want everything to be perfect." He said.

"That's fine with me babe, and that's really smart of you too." I said.

Lamelo helped me into bed and turned on the tv.

He then got into bed, and rested his head on my stomach.
He kissed on my bump and started talking.

"Oh, I can't wait to meet you!" He whispered. "I'm gonna spoil you so much, you're gonna be daddy's special girl!"

"I thought that I was daddy's special girl!" I grinned at Lamelo.

"Oh" He raised one eyebrow. "That's on demon time."
We both let out a laugh.
"There's enough of me to go around!"

Lamelo sat back up and I rested my head on his warm chest.

"Lamelo have you thought of any baby names yet?" I asked.

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