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She waved to me as I joined her up on stage.

She smiled and took my hand.

"You really thought i was here to apologize?" She laughed.

I yanked my hand away from her, afraid of what she was gonna do next.

Everyone looked confused and started to mumble to each other.

"You ruined my life Ronnie. You broke apart my family, now I'm in a custody battle with Lonzo's parents."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't act stupid Ronnie!" She yelled "you slept with my man!"

Everyone in the room gasped and went silent.

"Stop it Denise!" Ingram yelled from a table.
Lonzo just sat there in shock.

"How funny of you to talk Ingram, you slept with Ronnie every other day!" She pointed at him.

The crowd gasped again and looked at Lamelo then back to me.

I looked down and could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"There she is! That's the crazy one right there!" A lady shouted.

It was my Mom??? With the police by her side.

"You're under arrest for trespassing and aggravated assault!" The police yelled.

They ran over to Denise and cuffed her up. Lonzo ran out after her and the police.

Everyone cheers and clapped.
"We know it's not true girl! You're a real one!"
Someone shouted.

I gave everyone a weak smile.
The Dj turned on some music and everyone went to dancing like they hadn't seen anything.

My mom ran over to me and hugged me. For some reason as much as I wanted to love her, I HATED her.

"Get off of me!" I pushed her away.
I snapped my fingers at security.
"I want her out! Now!"

Security had grabbed up my mom. She tried to fight them off but there was no use.

I ran outside and leaned against the wall. I looked up at the night sky and started to cry AGAIN.

I could never seem to catch a break.
This "perfect day." Went down the drain of shit and broken dreams.

"All I ask is for one day!" I cried out.
I slumped against the wall some more.

I felt two hands on each of my shoulders.
I looked back and it was Lamelo and Ingram.

"You've got a whole party in there. Why don't you come back inside?" Ingram asked.
"Yeah babe. Forget about those two they're gone now." Lamelo said.

"But Denise ruined my night!" I cried. "And my mother wants to play mommy now?? Where the hell was she at when I needed her eight months ago??"

"I know you're sad babe. But come on. You've got a big surprise waiting in there for you." Lamelo smiled.

"A huge surprise!" Ingram smiled.

"Is it a dick?" Liangelo said stepping outside.

"Ew, Gelo...that's gross." I laughed weakly.
"I told you I could make her smile Melo!" Liangelo bragged.

After some convincing, I finally agreed to go inside with them.

Lamelo took me on the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Lamelo asked.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on us.

"I know it's been a long night, and took a small little turn but I have an announcement." Lamelo said.

"Ronnie, you are the love of my life. We've definitely had our ups and downs and misunderstandings, but our love is always stronger than everything. You have the most beautiful smile, the most perfect personality, and amazing loyalty towards someone like me. You're the true definition of excellence, strive, and love. You've always stayed by my side no matter what happened. You're a true Rider Ronnie. If I died for you, I wouldn't even have to question if you'd do the same. I know it's only been a year and some months, but it feels like I've known you forever. All my love, trust, and happiness comes from you. And I'm ready to love you again."

Lamelo then bent down on one knee. "As your husband."

Everyone looked shocked and the room was Silent. I put both hands over my mouth and started to tear up. Maybe this night wasn't going to hell after all??

"Veronica Sinclair, will you marry me?"

Everyone waited for my answer and finally I had found the words to say.

"Yes! Yes! I will!" I cried with joy.

Everyone cheered, hooted, and hollered as Lamelo put the engagement ring on my finger and we kissed.

"Lamelo, I don't even know what to say!"

He smiled and looked down on me.
"I can't wait to marry you." He said. "I'm so ready to start our new life together."

"I am too."

As much as most people would think we were moving a little too fast, I was glad I was marrying Lamelo, that's all that ever mattered.
As long as we were happy.

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