A (beautiful) mess

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I'm tired of feeling oversensitive, of feeling like everything I say and do is wrong. 

I feel like a mess.

I am, i am, I am

I am a mess, a beautiful little mess 

The best ones are

The best ones are the crazy, overemotional, big heated ones

The best ones are sensitive and caring

The best ones are smart and creative and intelligent

we are not perfect and that's okay

we don't have to be

we're perfect in our imperfection. 

we are works of art, making more works of art for people to hang on their walls

we are beautiful , just the way we are

you don't have to change.

I know some days you feel like you're not perfect.

that's okay

who would we be if we didn't make mistakes?

who would we be if we didn't forgive and forget?

who would we be if we hung onto everything and never let anything go?

we are all beautiful messes and that is okay.

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