Wanna live on the edge of life

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I wanna live on the edge of life. I wanna dance with death. I wanna drink my vanilla vodka with my Cherry Coke and smoke a fruity, sweet vape for the aesthetic,and the fun,and the risk of it all. Smoke my lungs black,live like I was dying. Go to my own funeral. Make everyday a god damn adventure. Get lost in his beautiful brown eyes. Wonder what the fuck I'm doing with my life. See a band in concert. Fuck,dye my hair a red or blue or purple or pink. Travel the world. Live my best life. Live my life to the fullest. Make out sessions and rock in roll in the car. Buy a motorcycle,join a motorcycle gang. Wear whatever I want without the fear of being judged,smoke a joint,get high and drunk as hell. Speed down the highway,music on blast. Maybe then I'll be okay,maybe then I'll feel something instead of feeling empty or forgotten or lonely. I wanna have fun. I wanna look seductive, but kick ass. I wanna get in a fist fight. Go skinny dipping,trespassing, stargazing. Have a paintball fight, stay out all night. Sneak you in and out of my bedroom late at night. Break some rules. I wanna rebel,get a tattoo or few,pierce my lips or nose,jump off a bridge,go sky diving. I don't wanna be a goody two shoes. I don't wanna be boring. I wanna have fun. I wanna dress up, and down for your eyes only. I want guys to fall at my feet and want me,but not be able to have me. I wanna be irresistible. You want me,you need me,you can't live without me,but too bad you'll have to,you can't have me.  I wanna live my dark divine feminine energy dream. I wanna live like I was dying.

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