He's temporary

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Sometimes we find peace when we least expect to, right in the middle of the storm.

He was my storm.He was one of my greatest battles besides myself.

I'm finding peace now, with us,with you, and with myself.

Sometimes you just keep waking up one day wondering when you're gonna be okay and then one day, you just suddenly are.

Sometimes you don't see the end of the war until it's there.

Sometimes you don't know when and if the storm will ever end, and then it does.

You were my storm, the second one I've been though.

Since the storm ended, I've felt the aftermath.

I've been tying to rebuild, and heal.

To go back to normal.

It's been a hard adjustment and I'll forever be altered by who nd what you meant to me, but suddenly it's as if I'm really starting to heal.

You were my storm, and I was the city you wrecked.

Now my friends have built me back up.

I've been patched and I'm healing more and more each and everyday.

I've been sowing myself back together, healing myself,repairing myself.

I'm going back to the city I used to be, the person I used to be,but who I am has been altered, has been clanged.

I'm a new and approved version of myself, I wounder if you are too.

If you've changed at all,because of me, since me.

If maybe I was a storm that blew into your life, that crashed you and broke you too.

Did I have any affect on you?

Did I change you?

One day it won't matter if I did and how.

and one day it'll be okay,it won't matter that i won't know.

It'll be fine that I'll never know.

Do you ever wounder the affect you leave in others lives and how you affect others?

How you've affected others? If they still think about you when they hear a certain song?

If you've changed them somehow?

I always do.

I'm always thinking about the impacts big and small that others have left on me.

I wounder if others do that too?

But I guess I'll just never know it.

Truth is I can't even tell you how others have changed me, they just have.

There are a handful of people, and more, that my life has been forever altered by, and I know that every single person that becomes something to me, even if it's just temporary, will alter me in some way. There are,some people though, I can tell you how they've changed me,but some, I will never be able to explain to you what impact they had on me.

One thing for sure, he changed me.

He was a storm I overcame, and I learned that he was just meant to be someone temporary.

He was only meant to be in my life for a season, and I was trying to make him stay when he was meant to leave.

Now he's gone and that's okay because some people are only meant to be temporary.

The season of us has come and gone and I am okay with that.

Life goes on.

She's lost In A Sea Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now