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It's not like I hate this life or anything,or like I wanna die.

But sometimes I just wanna go somewhere else.

To dance with fairies, or swim with mermaids, or live up in the clouds.

Sometimes I just don't wanna be here,I get bored or tired of this place and I just
wanna go somewhere else far,far away, some place beautiful and magical.

Where no one fights, on one argues.

Where there is peace and beauty.

Where dreams become realities

Where money isn't a very important thing to survive.

I'm a dreamer just like John Lennon spoke of in his song Imagine.

Imagine.., I often do.

It isn't hard to.

I imagine I'm somewhere else
In another world..
I get lost there like Alice did in wonderland and it's quite alright
I like it there in my own little world, I like it there in my day dreams

She's lost In A Sea Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now