There's a lot to me

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The way I act around you, and with you, I hope you know I don't act that way around anybody else. There's like this flip that you switch in me, this passion you ignite in me and a side to me no one else has really ever seen, or ever sees, comes out. I break away from this mold that everyone has in me and everyone sees me in. And suddenly i'm the girl who can turn you on and make you moan. Suddenly you're all I want. The thing is,no one ever sees that side of me, you have. And i hope you know that is only one side to me, out of the many. That that is not all I am or all I want. I want love..a soul connection..there are soo many different sides to me..soo many different things I can get wrapped up in..and become..some of them really are me and who I am,some of them aren't. Sure I want sex, I wanna turn you on and make you moan and I will, and I can, and I'm damn good at it, don't you forget that. But it's not all I am, not all I want. I am multifaceted. I am so many,many different things wrapped in one. You haven't even seen all of it yet. I am much more than meets the eye. I am a seductress, a wise woman, a consular, a poet, a creative, an artist. I am shy and quite and reserved, and confident and outspoken. I am sweet and caring and kind and friendly and respectable and polite. But I am also rude, and mean, and bitter, and cold and calculating. I could cut you out of my life at one fail swoop if I wanted to, or open up to you like no one ever has before. I could be your best friend and tell you everything, or you could never ever hear from me again. I'm a lot of different things and some people only ever see one side of me and think they know me. But there's a lot to know. More than most ever realize. Most people only get one glimpse of me and think they know the whole story when the truth is they've only seen half of me. There's more than meets the eye with me. Isn't that true with most people? No one knows me better than I know myself. There's a lot to know. And what you get from me is dependent on you and the energies around me. I could be your best friend or you're worse enemy.

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