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One day you are going to break someone's heart simply because your heart is broken, and you won't mean to. You'll feel horrible for it, but it'll be okay. Besides one day, if not already someone else will too, break your heart simply because they are or have been brokenhearted. Practice treating yourself with kindness and care no matter the situation. Even if the whole world is against you, you must practice being your best friend. No one is going to keep you going as much as yourself. Learn to listen to yourself, to trust yourself and to love yourself for who and what you are. If you dont like something about yourself,or your life change it. Listen to yourself, you know what you want and you know what's best for you. Go ahead, listen to others thoughts, others opinions, others advice and suggestions but remember in the end that they're just someone else's, even if it's what someone else is just looking out for you. Sometimes you have to make your own decisions and your own mistakes. Sometimes you have to make the same mistake a thousand times over before you learn from it. That's okay. Go on,live, experience, love, learn,hurt,burn, grow, and make mistakes. At least you're doing something, at least you're moving. At least you're learning. At least you're growing. If you can't find your life purpose,if you can't find what you're supposed to be doing,if you think your life is worthless, it's not. One thing I know for sure is that we're all supposed to learn,grow, and help others grow on this planet as well. Sometimes you have to go through pain to grow and to change and transform. Even the butterfly, even the grass and the planets do that. We too, much like the earth experience pain, and growth. This life is a learning experience for our souls, so go on learn, and grow, and do so at your own pace when you are ready to. And don't forget you can help others learn and grow and heal too, you can assist them, but you can't force them. You can't make decisions for them and you can't boss them around. Remember you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink, and someone can lead you to water, but they can't make you drink. In the end, we get to an age where every decision is no longer made for us by our parents, it's ours to make for ourselves. That is both a freeing and scary thing to think about. That growing up is really learning how to do things for yourself and one of those, the most important of all is making decisions for yourself and any others that join you. You are the cocreater of your life. Do not forget that. Change what you can, what you want to, accept what you can't. Listen to yourself, follow yourself, accept yourself, and love yourself and others. Go with the flow.

I'm stuck between if you want something make it happen, and what's meant to be for you will be.

Try to find a balance. Haha

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