Love; Romantic and otherwise

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I'll give you several chances when I'm in love with you. You could break my heart again and again and I'd still love you with all the broken pieces. I'd give you my heart on a platter for you devour and keep and carry with you. But when I'm done, I'm done. When I'm tired and fed up and I've given you chance after chance, and you've done nothing but taken me for granted,I'll leave and you'll never hear another thing from me ever again. Be careful with me, you could lose me just as easily as you can win me over. And I'm not someone you want to lose because I will pour all my love into you and when I'm gone you'll miss me. You'll wake up and realize who you lost. That I would've given you the world forever if I could and you lost me and it's no one else's fault but your own. This is how I love. I'll pour all my love into you, it's just who I am. And I'll love you even though and even when you hurt me. But there comes a time when I won't take anymore. Where I'll draw the line if you cross it one too many times. There comes a time where you'll lose me and you'll look back with regret. Yes, I may suffocate you with my love. I may drown you in it, nourish you in it, leave you helpless and breathless and wanting and wishing for more. Sure I could learn to give you more space. I could learn to be less intense. I could learn to be less passionate or nurturing. I could learn not to give my whole heart away to someone else when I'm in love with them. But It's who I am. I'm all or nothing. You're either with me a hundred percent, and I love you with all my heart, or not at all. There is no in between. I don't know how to do grey areas. You either get all of me or none.  And If you can't meet me halfway or give me half of what I give you in return, don't bother loving me. if I don't leave you breathless, or  give you butterflies don't bother loving me. If I don't leave you wanting more, or leave a huge smile on your face or make you laugh, don't bother loving me. If f you can't give me loyalty,  honesty,  and respect don't bother loving me.  If you can't give me consistency and effort, don't bother loving me. If I'm not the one you think about at night or in the middle of the day, don't bother loving me. If I don't take your breathe away, boggle your mind, or make you soft at the thought or sight of me, don't bother loving me. If you can go days and weeks without thinking of me, or wanting to hear from me, don't bother,loving me. And most of all, please don't bother me if you can't love me back because I am so tired of half-assed people and temporary people. If you can't give me your all or can't or won't stick around, don't bother loving me.  I have been hurt too much by too many when all I've ever done is tried to love them.  There comes a time where you will only take so much. It is so hard to remain so kind and loving in a cruel world full of heartbreak and pills and broken bones. Some pain, some scars, some heartbreaks, some hurt, never really and fully mend, and bleed at the slightest touch, the slightest word, and the tiniest reminders. So please be careful when you touch people, be careful when you love people and be mindful of how you treat yourself and others and of how you speak. You never know who is listening, who is watching and you never know how much hurt someone else has experienced. You never really know everything someone one else has been through. The friends they've lost, the heartbreaks they've endured, the grief they've survived, and their own mental and emotional battles that they have fought through to be standing right there today in front of you. Pain changes people. Pain can make some people seem invisible, as if they've been through all the fire and only come out stronger. Believe me when I tell you that might definitely be true, but even then everyone has a soft spot. It's what has made them so strong. You never know what someone else has been through or may be going through, so always be kind. And when you can't be kind to yourself, take a breath, take a step and try to be better tomorrow. We're all human, we all hurt, we all bleed.  And there are some things you can't see, but that does not mean they weren't or aren't there.  So love yourself and love others as best as you can. You never know the difference one word, one look, one smile, laugh, or touch could bring.  We never know the impact we leave on others. Big or small, I try my best to leave a positive one. You might just make someones day with the tinniest touch, and you might just turn the world around with your smile, so be mindful of yourself and others.

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