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I'm a thinker,a writer,a poet, a dreamer, an artist, and a photographer. I'm strong, I'm wise. I'm a sage,a lover, an empath,a sensitive person. but I'm courageous , and resilient. I'm analytical, I'm intuitive, and smart. I get lost in art,in poetry, photography, nature, thoughts, ideas, theories, and emotions. People think they know me, think they understand me, but I think that only a few really do and can. I'm magical. I am the sage, the hermit, the social introvert, the thinker, the artist, the advisor, the counselor, the spiritualist, the idealist, the mediator, the moderator, the shaman, the wise woman, the poet,the scholar, the philosopher, the old soul, the light worker,stargazer, the witch and the awakened,the enlightened, and the inspirational. I am so many things. I realize this and I understand now there are others like me. Some have been right in front of me the whole time. Most I don't notice, don't realize. We are unique,old souls living, breathing, moving and surviving in this modern world. Maybe to some I'm strange and unusual. But I'm amazing. I'm here to do great things and lead others to do great things and to be my authentic self and lead others to be themselves too. I recognize my power now. I step into it, devote my time to it, worship it, and am grateful for it. I'm more aware of myself, more self accepting and more loving and understanding of myself then I have ever been before. Why would I want to be anyone else? I really am awesome and amazing and I forget how gifted I really am, but I know I am. I realize it. And I'm grateful for my gifts and who I am. Sometimes I forget my worth and who I really am, and I have to remember, have to be reminded by myself and or by others
I need to get to the point where I don't have to have anyone else confirm my self worth or my own identity

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