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I hate being around other people sometimes, and texting and talking to other people. I hate other people's opinions sometimes, and emotions and energy and mindsets. I hate how other people can be so rude, and so judgmental and critical of others. How others from their own opinions of you. How you never really know or understand how someone else sees you. How people don't stop to think about others sometimes, most of the time all they  care about is themselves. And they don't realize how they're hurting other people, and if they do, sometimes they don't care. I hate other people sometimes. Sometimes they drive me nuts. They're hard to understand, they think the world revolves around them and what they say and do goes, and that they're better than others. I hate some people they're so judgmental and quick to judge and from their own opinion of you. Some people think they know you when they have no clue who you really are. And they don't care who you are, they don't care about your opinions or feeling, they only care about themselves. What you think isn't important, it doesn't matter to them and never will. Some people drain my energy. And some people they're so quick to take things so personally. And they're committed to misunderstanding you and misjudging you and nothing you say or do could change their mind. Some people will never understand you,that isn't your fault or your problem. It's theirs. They'll never get to know you. And one day they might regret it,so be careful who you judge or how. Be careful not to judge someone too quickly,get to know them first. Understand you may never understand some people, and they may never understand you. You can't make them. It isn't their job. If you can't handle me at my worse,than you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.Who's meant for you will be,who isn't won't. You can't force someone to understand you, accept you, or to see you for who you are. some people will,some people won't. Who doesn't, can't, or won't isn't for you. They're not meant to be in your life, and you can't force them to be in it. Sometimes you just have to let people go, and sometimes they have to let you. Some people will only ever see you from their own perception,that isn't your fault and it doesn't mean they know you.

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