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Most people are afraid of death. It's confusing, it's a mystery, and hard to understand. You're making memories with someone one minute,just living your life with them,and the next you turn around and their gone. Their body stops working like a clock,or a phone,or a bomb that goes off. The electricity in their body stops working,they shut off and no one understands why or what happens next. I think their body dies, they leave the shell,the package they and everyone else who knows has come to know. They shed their skin. If you think about it you do that your whole life,you shed one skin after the next from one stage of your life to another. I believe death is only the end of the physical life. Only the end of a journey. Some complete the journey quicker than others, but as your body grows so do you. So does your soul. I think death is the end to a physical stage of life,not a soulful one. That's why people believe in ghost,that's why that concept exist. An after life does exist, but what it looks like I have no idea. It's painful to watch someone you love pass,but I often think they've just completed a journey,I think that's what death is, and everyone's journey is different, and everyone has a different experience. It's just the end of a cycle and the start of a new one.

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