The Boy With The Brown Eyes And Black Hair

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My love for you, i thought was gone but somehow my love for you still lives on. I thought i smashed it with a rock. I swear i did and i believe i have but just when you're not apart of my world anymore, you're just like a storm i never see coming, wiping in and tearing me in half. And then just like a flood after a rainstorm all those memories of you and i come back. I never wanted this for you and i, i wanted us to live on.  You made me feel love for the first time but it wasn't love really was it? You made me feel heartbreak now,this i am sure. You were my first love, that left my heart cold and sore. How could you do that?, Break me like ice? I felt like i had lost myself in you. I fought for us to stay, but in the end i lost you anyway. You sent me into a state of mind i had never felt before. Now this I am sure, i never want to feel again. That hurt, that sadness. Though three years later yet the memories of you and me still burn in my memory.

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