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Sometimes I miss people,old friends,old lovers,and family members who have passed,people that have come and gone from my life,but mostly,sometimes I miss myself.

Who I used to be when  those people were in my life,who I was.

Everyday,month,or year it seems I grow more into who I really am,or who I'm really meant to be,but sometimes I miss who I was.

Sometimes I miss my friends.

Sometimes I miss how things used to be.

Sometimes I feel nostalgic about the past.

Sometimes I look back at the past year,people who have come and gone and I sit there,and I just soak up the memories until I'm done missing and remembering the past, and then I continue to look forward to the future and to what is to come next.

Sometimes it's nice to look back to remember how  far you've come,how much you've changed,what you've gone though and experienced.

It's nice to remember the people who you used to know,and who you were.

It's nice to look at the past sometimes, and then remember where you are, and prepare yourself for where you are headed.

I've tried so hard to teach myself to stay in the present, but sometimes I like to look back and remember the things I've forgotten.

I like to remember the things and the people who have made me who I am right now, and then look forward to the future.

Sometimes I have to look back in order to move forward,in order to put the previous year all behind me,and I've learned that some people come and go and I've gotten to the point where that no longer bugs me.

I'm no longer hurt when people come in and out of my life,I'm just focused on making lasting friendships and relationships.

Life is funny. It's funny all the people we come across,how some people are just temporary friends who are in our lives for a season,while other people are in our lives for a little bit longer,and even the old friends you had back in like six grade for maybe a month or so,you look back and they affected you.

Just the smallest things, and the people who had the smallest roles in our lives affect us.

It's crazy who easily we're affected,how easily our lives change,how everything changes slowly over the years,but you don't notice till the years gone.

And it's crazy how just the smallest thing(s) can bring back so many memories and feelings.

And even when some things,a lot of things change,some things never change.

Sometimes I feel this way.

Sometimes it's nice to look back.

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion sometimes, and sometimes I sit in it and feel it until I am done looking back and I am ready for the next unexpected thing to happen in my life.

(I was feeling very nostalgic when i wrote this, and sometimes I have my moments when the emotion come back around)

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