Red roses

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Red roses for you and me.

Red roses for the girl who slipped and broke her knee.

Red roses for the monster inside of us screaming,"Please let me out!".

Red roses for your mother,your sister and your brother.

Red roses for our king.

Red roses for your girlfriend,wife or feeancie.

Red roses cause you care.(and aren't going anywhere soon)

So when you're given a red rose smile.

If you don't get one go cry somewhere.

And stop saying "Red roses aren't my thing anyways".

If so don't  just throw them away, give them to me..

 HAND them over HERE.

Cause anyone who wants one,

should deserve them none the less.

Because every flower is unquie just like every person.

And like every person has flaws,they have flaws still.

No, not one petal is the same.

Unlike wings on a butterfly they're  UN-idenitckale.

One always looks different.

But somehow they're very simalier.

And just like people though they may be imperfect,

They(the flowers) still look incerdiablly beautiful.

So give the red roses to your loved ones.

I'm sure they deserve one.

If not it's their fault.

So go on and go home,

And sit on your throne,

with no red roses to hold.

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