Love isn't perfect.
You may love someone, and they may still break your heart
And yet you might still love them anyway
You might love someone, that doesn't mean they won't piss you off
or hurt you
That doesn't mean you might not be angry at them
Or upset
Or feel torn up inside and like you're falling apart
Love is confusing sometimes
You hear all these fantasizes,
All these happy ever afters
They never tell you that the one you love, might get under your skin
They never tell you you won't be happy with them all the time
but that you'll still love them, sometimes even when you don't want to
They don't tell you about the arguments or fights you might have
They don't tell about making up
About breaking up and getting back together
They don't tell you about all the highs and lows
Or, well maybe they do
But some movies, some stories make love look simple
And maybe sometimes it is and sometimes it feels simple
And sometimes it feels complicated
Like you're standing on your head and like you don't know which way to turn
You will make one another angry
You will break one anther's heart
It's true
But when you love someone, you love them despite it all
When you love someone they might hurt you, they might want to make you scream
and cry, but one smile from them..and you love them anyway
And maybe you'll fall out of love with them or they'll fall out of love with you
Or maybe you never will
Maybe love last forever
Maybe it doesn't
Maybe love feels like a rainstorm
Maybe it feels like a beautiful garden
Maybe it feels icy cold
Or burning hot
Maybe you hate the way they chew their food
or the music they listen to, but you still love them
Maybe you don't get all their interest, or their quirky traits
Maybe you don't see eye to eye on all of your beliefs
But at the end of the day they're the one you think about,
The one you wanna talk to for hours on end,
Even if you were upset with them this morning.
Maybe love isn't perfect, but I'd choose real over perfect any day
She's lost In A Sea Of Poetry
PoetryA sea of poetry, of metaphors and similes written by me