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"Smile,be happy."

The voices in my mind keep telling me.

I should be happy, i agree in return.

I should be happy.

So what is it that's making me frown?

I've got you, i know there's no crown.

No competition..

So why do i feel like there is?


Not yet.

Still a whole token?

Somehow, why yes.

So why do i feel this way?

Yes i feel the same,

But broken is also yet another feeling i portray..

I will not worry,

I will not frown,

No, i will not let her bring me down..

I knew this would be hard..

I thought i was ready,

Ready for all the obstacles,

Ready for all the sticks and stones to be thrown..

I thought i had a shield,

But when you had stepped onto the battle field i had laid down my amour..

And i had never gotten it back.

No, i haven't,not yet..

But now more battles are soon to be faced,

More wars are to be won,

I just hope I'm the winner,

I don't even wanna go to war.

But i will for us,

I'll fight for us,

For me and you..

But in the end I'll still fall down..

Surrender because..

In the end I'll leave it all up to you..

Because i don't want to win..

Unless you'd want me to..

She's lost In A Sea Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now