Dear Ex Best Friend

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Dear Ex Best Friend,

it's been a year and I'm still hurt for you dropping me the way you did, for shutting me out..

for hurting me, for making me feel replaced..and for leaving me

Out of everyone Iv'e ever lost, friends or more, you're the one that hurt(s) the most..

A year later, the thought of you STILL makes me want to cry, STILL makes me want to scream..

All I wanted was to be there for you in your darkest hour, but you shut me out..

I had just gone though the same situation three years ago, and we became friends after..

But you walled away, you shut me out, and for what? why? cause you were hurting?

Maybe? But you hurt me, worse than anyone else..

And I could've said some mean things.. I wanted to, I still do..

But I didn't and I won't..

All I want to do is the same thing I have tried to for months..forget you exist..

Forget what you did..

Forget you...

But no matter how much I try, it's useless, your name comes up,or your memory,or a scroll past a post of you on your mom's facebook..

I don't know you anymore..

Maybe I never did, and maybe we were never really friends..

You left..both physically and metaphorically...

You moved, you cut me off, shut me out, disappeared..

Ignored me..

You broke my heart..

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