But No One Knew About The Girl Who

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We all know those classic stereotypes. The preps, the queen bee, the outcast.the jocks,emos,nerds and the popular kids but no one knew about the girl who could fit in with everyone and no one at the same time. The girl who could be so cute but feel so ugly. The one who could look so happy but feel so depressed. The one who could fool everyone. The one who seemed like she had many friends but felt so alone. The one no one noticed at times but at other times all did. The one who knew how to blend in as much as she knew how to stand out and could do both. She could be called a nerd by the ones who hardly knew anything about her but her name.  She could also be called cute when she impressed people. She always seemed to smile. But no one saw the mean,rude,angry,sad,lonely,and depressed girl she could be. The one she hides from the world and the one who only comes out when you're asleep.

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