Some people disturb my peace

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Sometimes I don't feel like being around people. Sometimes it feels like some people take me out of my energy, out of my peace, my calm. I don't feel like myself sometimes around some people. Or feel like I can be myself. I feel the most at peace, when I am alone. When I have time to myself to write or draw or create or think. When I have the freedom to do whatever I want. Some people suck up my energy and make me want to scream. They disturb my peace. Maybe they mean to,maybe not. But I feel most like myself when I am alone doing something I love, and I am in my own space and I have time to think and wonder and create and day dream and ponder. Sometimes I get tired of all the noise,all the chatter. I get tired of listening to others opinions,or doing emotional work. I love to see people smile or laugh, and I can't help but cater to other's needs. But sometimes it becomes too much. Sometimes some people just drive me insane with their own needs and desires. I love, and need time to myself to do what I want. To be in my own little bubble, and my own little world.  My own little world, my safe haven. My sense of self, my peace. Sometimes I encounter problems, and I think too much. But sometimes, I love to think, I love to write and read and speculate and ask questions and search for answers and study topics about things I'm interested in. I could immerse myself in a book or a topic for days on end and feel so much joy from that, I could dance in a field of wildflowers. I am a loner. I love my friends,and my family and spending intimate time with someone else, but I also love my alone time and my time to myself. I am not myself without it,and sometimes when i finally get a moment alone after being around people for a long time, I feel a sense of relief, of freedom. As if I could do whatever I want, and nothing and no one could stop me or tell me no. I crave that sense of peace, of freedom. I also crave adventure, excitement, wonder and creativity. But peace,peace more than absolutely anything, and I find the most peace when I am by myself, or when I do something creative, or stimulate my mind, or get to relax in my own bed, with a nice cup of tea. Some people just take all the energy I have out of me. Some people just disturb my peace.

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