She no longer wore rose tinted glasses

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She fell in love with someone who didn't deserve her, but she loved him anyway. She was beautiful, she was sweet. She was the angel to his devil and he, whether he meant to or not, dragged her through hell. Their love felt like heaven some days, and hell others. As time went on things grew colder and darker. He drove her to emotional highs and to emotional lows. He took her on crazy adventures. Made her feel undeniable pleasure, and exquisite pain. It shaped her, carved her. The more he put her though, the stronger, and more beautiful she got. Each heartbreak matured her, strengthened her, grew her. She learned self respect, self love. She learned of her worthiness, of the great, big heart she had. But she learned not everyone deserved to have her heart. She learned that some people would only eat it for dinner and devour her whole. She toughened a bit, yet Still, around him she couldn't help but melt, even if she didn't want to. She could never hate him. No, not when her love for him was once ocean deep. Perhaps it still was? But the love she had for herself grew. For once it wouldn't matter how much she loved him, she'd put herself first, Chase her own goals and love herself. If he wanted her back, he'd have to fight for her this time. She had begun to fall out of his spell. You get played enough, you learn that words are weak without actions to back them up. They hardly carried any weight with her anymore, though sweet nothing's were still nice to hear. But she learned that without any proof to back them up, they were just words and that people could say anything to get what they wanted. He could promise her the world but form now on, unless he delivered, she wouldn't move. She kept most of her heart to herself and would only give him little. Maybe more if he proved worthy. But she'd never be the foolish girl she used to be ever again. The girl in love with poetry, started to fall out of love with sweet words from the guy who once used to always tell her them. He could say anything he wanted. She'd never trust him the same way again. He had broken too many promises and broke her heart too many times for her to care. He told her he didn't want to lose her. Well she didn't want to lose him either, but she realized that maybe she was falling out of love with him. She didn't love him with the same passion anymore. She still had a heart for him but she knew if he kept breaking it like he had, that sooner or later she wouldn't love him the same way anymore. She kept saying this was the last chance and yet letting him back in. But she knew that one day she wouldn't and that day felt closer. That day felt like It could be tomorrow for God sakes. She was ready to walk away, hanging on by a thread, just waiting for him to hand her the scissors. It was a chess game. She was the queen and he was only a knight that came and went. She hoped one day he'd be her king. She begun to realize that he might never be. As she grew he still fought the same demons, still played the same tricks. She had started to evolve, started to become no match for him. The foolish guy. If he kept playing this way, he'd lose her. One more match, and she may win, walk away with all the chess pieces. This time, she was in charge. She had the power. She could cut off his head if she wished. And she realized that power was in her all along. She no longer wore rose tinted glasses. She was ready to slay her own dragons. One wrong move, she'd be gone for good. She was on defense, ready to protect her heart from the guy she once loved so much. One day maybe she'd thank him for the trials and tribulations he put her through.For every heartbreak strengthened her,and she evolved into a higher version of herself ready to defeat anyone who stood in her way of happiness.

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