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"Higher Grace." I sigh in annoyance. She was telling me to get my leg higher on my jump. "Stop and try it again." I sigh walking over to the other side of the room and do it again. "No Grace, what is going on?"

"There is a concert this evening and I would like to go." I tell her stopping what I am doing. She looks at me.

"Perfect this routine and I'll let you go at six." I look at the time. Five thirty. I gather all my will and throw myself into the dance as the music starts again. Miss Kim is bobbing her head. "Nice." I get to the jump and throw myself in the air as high as I can making sure that leg gets as high as I can get it. "Beautiful." I finish the routine and look at Miss Kim.


"That was perfect. Stretch out." She states and leaves the room. I do a quick fifteen minute stretch out. Then I rip out of the room. Miss Kim decided that since people thought I was training with Grace that it would be ok if train without the wig. It's so much better and we moved to one of the huge studio's that they use for exams, so it has no windows and no mirrors. I rush into my dorm to see Lucy, Jayna and Brianna laughing about something. They look at me and then at each other. I notice that they all look normal. Sporting mostly shorts and cool tee-shirts. Lucy's has a Rolling Stones shirt, Jayna's in Green Day and Brianna has Nirvana.

"Let's go get this girl ready." Lucy smiles. They rush me into Brianna's room. Jayna starts on my hair as Lucy grabs out her makeup kit. Brianna rushes over to my room to find an outfit. My hair is pulled as powder is brushed all over my face. I let them do what ever they want.

"Zac said we should show up early so we could meet them before the concert." Jayna tells me as I nod. "Don't move." Both her and Lucy shout at me.

"You don't have any cool tee-shirts, they are all to fancy and such." Brianna walks into her room. She searches through her closet until she finds a Kiss tee-shirt and goes back to my room with it. I sigh as Jayna finishes my hair, she bumped the back a little and left the rest just plain straight and Lucy is rushing to finish my makeup. When Lucy is finished Brianna walks back in and throws a pair of red shorts, a jean button up top and the shirt at me. I put them on and the girls look at me.

"Sweet. Lets hit the road." Brianna grabs a pair of shoes and I notice they are more comfortable people than lets-wear-heels-so-we-look-cute people. Brianna gives me a pair of converse and we make our way towards the buses. Jayna leads as we rush through the doors to get to the closest bus stop. I smirk as we make it just in time. "Twenty minutes until Seven."

"I'm so excited." I state.

"I forgot to ask. How was dancing again?" Jayna asked me.

"It was good. That Grace girl is really kind and she helped me out a lot." I tell them as the bus pulls up to our stop.

"You have no idea of how jealous I am of you."

"She's just a normal person." I state.

"Maybe to you but in our world she's like royalty."

"Ok, Jayna that's getting annoying. She's a dancer, she's good yes, but don't put her up on a pedestal like that. She's just a girl that loves to dance as much as any of us." Brianna says and I'm thankful. Someone had to say it.

"I agree. Jayna you take it too far sometimes." Lucy says as we walk up to the venue. She smiles sheepishly.

"I'm sorry guys. I'll shut up about it."

"Like its ok if you talk about her, just not all the time. Plus I'm pretty sure she has made mistakes in her life just like the rest of us." Brianna says. I have made a lot of mistakes so she got that right.

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