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The whole school is buzzing about how Miss Kim is teaching the infamous Grace Andrews. As I walk down the halls, Grace Andrews is all I hear. Im dreading Maths, but I know that I have to go. Turns out Zac and Brianna are both in this class.

"Guys, she is not that great!" Sasha says.

"She totally kicked your ass last year at nationals!" Lindon says.

"Well, I'm going to kick her ass this year."

"I highly doubt that. She has won nationals what five times? You've won it once and it was because she was out of the competition because of an ankle injury," Wilson scoffs. I have won nationals six times, I mentally correct him. Brianna and Zac wave me over. I see that they are sitting in front of Sasha and her friends.

"You guys should have seen her in practice." Zac turns around and starts talking to them. "She did every type of dance that I know and was amazing at all of them."

"You saw her dance?" Joey turns to look at Zac and so does everyone else.

"Yes, last night. She danced from after school until almost ten," he says. "Man she is just so sexy."

"Everything that girl does is sexy," Turner tells him.

"Did she have a partner?" Justin asks.

"No?" Zac says looking just as confused as I am.

"Maybe she is here training because she needs a new partner," Justin says.

"Hey girly!" Brianna says to me. I smile at her.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"Boys just being boys. Jayna can't keep secrets so now everyone knows that Grace Andrews is dancing here."

I make a mental note about Jayna not being able to keep secrets. "Is it really that big of a deal?" I ask. I swear everyone's head whips to face me.

"Thank you! See, even the new girl knows that Grace Andrews is a nobody."

"Shut up, Sasha." Justin rolls his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if Grace Andrews is looking for a duet partner. You're my partner," She says.

"Yea, but that doesn't make me your boyfriend."

She stops talking to glare at him. So they aren't dating.

"Class!" The teacher yells as we all quiet down. "I don't care who is doing what. If I hear about it again you will all have detention." I turn to face the front. The class goes by slowly as it always does. I found out that Brianna and I have the same afternoon schedule and the rest of the day goes by quickly. After AMB Irush back to my dorm. I'm just about to leave when Brianna comes walking in.

"Hey roomy where you going? You rushed out of AMB pretty fast." I stop and look at her, trying to think of a lie to tell her. "It's okay if its personal. I know we just met and all-"

"It's ok. I sort of have a job. I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and all day Sundays. My uncle owns the shop so I'm lucky I have a job," I say. My heart sinks, this is not how I wanted to start out our friendship. She nods.

"You don't have to be ashamed that you have a job. I think its kinda cool." I smile at her. I hate lying.

"I'll see you after work." I rush away and into the studio area. When I get there I change into my dance clothes. I put on the wig as best as I can before entering the studio.

"Grace," Miss Kim says as I look up.


"I hear that you're the talk of the school?"

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