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I wake up and smile as I start my morning routine. Moving has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have real friends that like me for me, but there is still this nagging feeling knowing that at some point in time I have to tell them who I am. I'll deal with that when the moment comes. I do my work out as always and then I get ready for school. Today I get to train Nivea and I'm so excited to see my little sister, though none of my friends can know she is my sister. The day goes by fast but slow at the same time.

"What's got you in such a happy mood?" Brianna asks on our way to AMB.

"I get to see my cousin today." I smile at her.

"Cool will we get to meet her too?"

"Yup. Little Vea."

"Cute." The class goes by fast since the project is due to hand in either tomorrow or Friday before this class. We are actually having a lot of fun with this. It looks pretty sweet and Trevor started on the final copy and I actually think we can win. I smile as the bell rings. I rush to my room and when I enter Vea is already sitting on the couch watching tv.

"VEA!!!!" I shout in excitement as we both jump up and rush to hug eachother. I didn't realize how much I missed my family until this moment. She hugs me close.

"Did you hear?" She smiles.


"I got the solo! Tina wasn't showing up on time or working hard enough for it so Mrs. Layla gave it to me. Mom was so proud."

"Congrats." I hug her closer as we brake it off. With my hair blonde we look almost exactly alike. I smile at my little sister.

"Holy crap, they look identical." Trevor's voice rings through my room both Vea and I turn to them. Her long blonde hair is soft around her face as she smiles and waves shyly at them.

"Vea, this is Trevor, Zac, Lucy, Jayna and Brianna. Guys this is my little cousin Vea." They all walk over to greet her.

"She's like a spitting image." I smile at Zac as he says that.

"Oh, Um Mae, We have that-"

"Right. She wants me to show her all of the hot spots in town."

"We can help with that!" Jayna smiles. I force a smile back, not knowing how I'm going to get out of this one.

"I'm pretty sure you don't even know where all the hot spots are in town." Trevor smirks as I open my mouth to protest.

"Guys, she wants to spend time alone with her cousin. Leave them alone." I smile thankful that Brianna stepped in. Sometimes that girl can be a life savor. I lead Vea into my room and she follows.

"Did you bring your shoes and stuff?"

"No, I was so excited that I forgot clothes even." I change into some clothes of my own as she does as well. We are almost the same size so they will have to do for today. I put street clothes over top and grab my dance bag as we say goodbye to my friends and head to the studio's for a long day of training.

As we walk into the studio's I see Sasha practicing. She looks hard at work going through what looks like a contemporary number.

"Wow she's getting a lot better." I nod as we walk towards the privet studios. I see Justin and close my eyes, just my luck.

"Mae! What up? Who is this?"

"I'm Nivea, Grace's sister." She smiles and shakes his hand. "Grace is training me today."

"And me." I smile sheepishly.

"So where is Grace?" He looks around and I look at Nivea not knowing what to do.

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