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I wake up and get ready for school. I put my uniform on and walk over to the mirror. I brush my blonde hair loving the feeling of it still. I walk out of my room to see Brianna eating some cereal. I grab some for myself and we eat in silence. We both leave the room and start heading towards the lunch area.

"Mae." Miss Kim walks over towards me. Brianna nods and keeps walking knowing to give me privacy.

"We have to post pone tonight's rehearsal something came up that needs me immediate attention." I nod. "I'm glad you understand now off to class." I walk away feeling confused. She probably has to tell Justin as well. I walk through the halls and see my friends. We all walk outside to sit on the bleachers for the monthly assembly. I sit down talking about our AMB project with Trevor before the Principle starts talking. She gives us dates for tryouts and important things. She tells us when we get a school day off for a teachers day, then she starts talking about the auditions for the musical.

"Auditions for A Midsummer's Night Dream have been post-poned until November 15th. Mr Carmichael, Mr Gauche and Mrs Darm need more time on reviewing it. I expect that everyone will do there best with fundraising for the next couple of months for this. Now, SAT's-" I drown out the principle again as I think about this. It gives me more time to get 'better' at dance. I look around most people aren't even really paying attention. It seems like this school isn't huge on listening.

As the principle finishes everyone rushes off to their classes, I say good bye to my friends and head towards Drama. When I enter Mrs Darm, our drama teacher is waiting for us. She has us read more from A Midsummer's Night Dream and I read off Helena again.

Right before lunch I run into Trevor. "Hey so I heard you could play guitar." I state. 

"That's right." He smiles at me. 

"Would you maybe be able to help me with my audition? For the musical? I know that you didn't really want anything to do with it but-"

"Yea no it's cool. Do you want to maybe practice when it comes closer to auditions though?" 

"Of course thanks Trevor." 

"No problem." 

After lunch all of the normal classes go by like well normal, all boring and drag on forever or what seems like forever. When Brianna, Zac and I walk into AMB it's crazy. The bell hasn't rang but people are rushing around knowing that the assignment is due tomorrow. We walk over to our friends dodging people as we do. Trevor and Jayna are putting final touches on it. We plan to hand it in this class. The bell rings and in rushes the Principle.

"Now class this is your last hour to work on this so lets get it finished. " I look down at every thing one last time.

"So what does everyone think?" Trevor asks.

"It looks perfect." Brianna says and I nod. I'm glad that we could do this together.

"Pretty sweet if I do say so myself." Lucy smirks as she takes it from Trevor's hands and gets a good look at it. I look around and see only one other group is standing around like we are. They seem to be finished too. It's Justin and Sasha's group. Lucy takes our project over to the principle and we follow.

"Good now that you two groups are finished you can use this class to catch up on homework, your art classes or whatever really." She smiles at us dismissing us.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Zac asks.

"I don't know I like the idea of outside." Jayna says.

"Maybe a walk?" I suggest.

"I like that idea." Brianna smiles. We all start walking as we head out of the school laughing and joking around. It feels normal and it's nice.

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