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After placing first in the solo rounds, on the ride home there was lots of tension in the air. Mr Gauche approached me after my solo was over and he just said good job and looking forward to seeing more of my work. I don't know how he is so open to Grace but not Mae but I remind myself not to dwell on it.

That night slept like a log. I didn't have any dates this weekend because I cancelled both needing time to myself. Both boys were not too happy, Justin being more angry than Wilson but I just needed time to think. Sunday I slept in for the first time in what seemed like forever. I just spent the day watching movies by myself, which I haven't been able to do since I got here. Practice with Miss Kim went better than usual, she did chew me up for missing Brianna, Jayna and the other girl's solos but in the end she was just happy I placed first.

The school week went by amazing until Wednesday. I came home and their was a note under our dorm door for Mae. I look at it and almost dropped it when Brianna spoke.

"It's been there since lunch." Brianna tells me. "I'm going to go take a call." she says walking into her room. I am guessing she is calling her parents, she likes to try to talk to them once a week. I open the note and it felt like my heart was ripped out. There were three pieces of paper. The first was a picture of Justin and I on our date two weeks ago. We were just coming out of the restaurant and I was smiling and he was laughing. We were holding hands as we walked,I flip it over to see a letter. I know who it is from and my heart drops in my chest.

I should have known you would have gotten him to lie for you. Your acting is getting better "Mae". You really shouldn't underestimate me. Now I know that you two have been lying to me and I'm not kidding when I say that your secret will be mine to tell.  Who is going to want a liar like you? Now break up with Justin tonight and keep your distance or else I will have no choice, these will be posted all over the school and the first person to know will be Justin.  xx

I flip to the next page to see a flyer. The words were underlined.

BTSA's pathological liar

Grace Mae Andrews Perrin

Under the words were my picture a picture of me winning nationals and a picture of me now. How did she get any of these pictures and why is she doing this? I felt like I was going to throw up. I turn the flyer over and see more writing.

P.S. You tell anyone, I will personally end you and that is a promise.

My whole world was about to crumble. I couldn't breath and I was trapped. Like the walls were closing in on me. My heart ached and it hurt, felt like someone was stabbing me. I was sweating and had no idea why. I couldn't move and my throat was closing off. My voice was inaccessible and I saw spots in my vision. The last thing I saw was Brianna's eyes fill with panic as I dropped to the floor.


"Mae can you hear me? Oh god is she even breathing?"

"Yes she is breathing Brianna, it just looks like she had an anxiety or panic attack."

"How do we wake her up?"

"She will wake up, just give her a couple of minutes. It's a good thing you caught her otherwise I would be worried about a concussion."

"Who?" I call out confused.

"Shes awake!" Brianna shouts.

"Most people are only out for a couple of minutes Brianna." He tells her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm so sorry Mae, I didn't know what to do when you fainted and he knows."

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