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The next morning I wake up and stretch before I do my workout. After that I decide to shower because I didn't get the chance to last night. I straighten my hair. When I am finished it falls perfectly around my face. I put on mascara and call it a day. I change into the interesting uniform. Girls wear a blue skirt with white stockings and a white button up shirt with a blue vest over it. Thankfully it wasn't a plaid skirt. I pulled on the skirt and realized that it was a getting a little short. I put some black dance shorts under it because I feel much more comfortable like that. I walk back into the kitchen and grab another pop tart making a mental note to go to the store this afternoon.

I check the time. It is already eight o'clock. School starts at eight thirty and ends at three.  I grab my backpack, my phone and my key chain before exiting my dorm room. Im very glad that I packed my bag last night. It saves a lot of time in the morning. When I enter the school, I follow the signs to the office. I get to the office and ask for a school map since I don't want to get lost. I smile as I walk down the halls to my locker. I see a group of guys standing around it. I ask them to move and when they don't, I push my way to my locker.

"What do you think your doing?" a guy asks me.

"Going to my locker," I reply, pointing at it.

"I would have moved if you asked," He says. He has blond hair and looks like one of those boys that mommy and daddy get everything for. I mentally scold myself. You moved to a different school because people judged you without knowing you and here you are dong the same to others. I decide that I'm not going to judge others before getting to know them.

"I did," I say with a smile. He gives me a strange look.

"Joey, who is this?" Another boy asks joining the group, he looks familiar. I'm not sure from where though.

"New girl it seems," Joey tells his friend as the other boys look at me. I open my locker as I see that all of the books I will need except my binder are in here. 'How convenient'. I smile to myself.

"What's your name new girl?"

"I'm Mae." I turn away from my locker.

"Justin." The guy shakes my hand. Right he's Sasha's boyfriend. I knew that I'd seen him before. "That's Joey, Lindon, Tucker and this is Wilson."

"So what do you dance?" Wilson asks me.

"Excuse me?" I look at him confused.

"You have dancer muscles. What types do you do?" Joey explains. I feel my head start to spin. I don't know how to answer that question! I never thought that they would just assume I dance.

"Justin!" Someone shouts as they join the circle. I look at them and I swear I can feel my face paling. Standing in front of me is Sasha, my biggest rival. I glare at her thinking of all the times that she has trash talked me at competitions, but then I remember that I'm Mae not Grace.

"Hey, Sasha. This is the new girl. Her name is Mae."

"Hello, Mae. I'm Sasha. I'm at the top of the chain since I got second at nationals." She smiles at me.

"Nice to meet you and congratulations." Everyone looks at me like I have list my mind.

"I didn't get first so no need to congratulate me."

I look at her, the shock clear on my face. "But you beat everyone else!"

She thinks for a few moments before replying. "I guess your right, but I wanted first. But Grace Andrews gets everything she wants, even if her parents have to bribe the judges."

"We don't know if that's what happened." Justin shakes his head. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I would die if my parents ever did that.

"Yeah, maybe she was just better." Lindon laughs fist bumping Tucker.

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