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"Mae?" Brianna calls as I enter our room. I'm still fuming.

"I will talk to you as soon as I calm down." I go into my room and grab a couple water bottles before walking out of our dorm and towards the studios. I go into an open studio where I know everyone can see me and turn on some blasting music.

I dance my hardest just getting all of my anger out. How dare he say that I would ruin that musical! Who does he think he is? He doesn't know me. I have never wanted to tell my true identity like I did in that one moment. I was close to but I was just so angry that I needed to leave.

I fall to the ground and scream as loud as I can. I don't know how much time is passed but I know I'm worn out.

"Mae?" Wilson's voice is all around me. He walks into the studio.

"I just-" I start wiping the tears away as he walks towards me. I'm on the ground and he sits on the ground next to me. "I don't-" More tears gather as his arms circle around me.

"Shhh." He holds me as I cry in his arms letting all my walls go. I cry for what seems like hours. When I'm calmed down enough Wilson asks me if he can get me anything but doesn't pry about why I was crying, which I'm thankful for.


"Yea?" I hesitate for a moment before deciding to just ask.

"Is he always like that?" I ask. Wilson is quite and for a couple minutes I think he doesn't know what I'm talking about but then he answers.

"Mr Gauche picks favorites. I was never one of them, but now that I'm auditioning I noticed he's being nicer but I knew that the negativity had to be going somewhere else."

"He said that he didn't want us to ruin the musical because we aren't crazy dancers." I state.

"Seriously, If only he was there when you sang and acted, he would have seen how you are a much better option then Sasha for this role. Don't think anymore about it he's an ass."

"He doesn't care who gets what role, as long as the dancing's good."

"Maybe your other marks were high enough to help compensate."

"I don't think so."

"Well it's not posted until next week."

"Yea I know." I state. We stand up and he walks me back to my dorm. Brianna asks me what happened and I tell her all about Mr Gauche and what Wilson said. She agreed with Wilson. Said that he was a major ass. I go to sleep feeling better then I did a couple hours before.

The week goes by and I feel empty, even Vea notices and asks what happened. She was ready to march up to the principle or school board if needed but I knew that wouldn't help I just had to wait. Plus both Justin and Wilson are taking me on dates this weekend. So I guess I had that to take my mind off of everything. By the time Saturday had rolled around I was actually excited for the weekend.

Justin's date went same as normal and I'm kind of getting tired of acting happy about it. It's like he's got the girl so there is no need to surprise me anymore. It's making me lose interest. I sigh as Brianna helps me get really for my date with Wilson.

"Justin's date seemed boring from what you tell me." Brianna says holding up a dress to me.

"Yea I don't know what's up with me."

"Maybe it's not you." Brianna shrugs. "Justin's use to getting what he wants. But he had to work for you, and he did but now he has you."

"And that means he stops trying."

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