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"Nationals here I come." She smirks at me. I glare at Sasha wanting nothing more then to end her right there but I'm told that I can be too nice.

Let me go back to a week ago. We had just come off sage for duet Regionals. I found out that Justin and I placed second which means we get to go to nationals. It all started the Monday after. Sasha confronted me.

"Drop out of solos."

"Why would I do that?" I asked not really caring for the conversation.

"Because if you don't I will tell your secret to all of your friends." She glared at me.

"Sasha if think you can't beat me on your own and you're so desperate that you need to do something like this, I think you need to reevaluate whether you want to go to regionals."

"You know what I can and WILL beat you at regionals, you just wait and see." She walks away steaming. I take a deep breath. I have no idea where that came from but I'm glad I see what I did.

I bump into Brianna on my way to the dorm and tell her what just happened.

"You need to tell them." She says.

"Like Lucy and Zac and everyone?" I look shocked.

"Just our friend group I mean. They deserve to know." She gets nervous. Is she scared I'm going to freak?


"It will soften the blow if you tell them before everyone else." Brianna tells me. I don't know what to think. I mean she has a point, but can I trust Lucy and Jayna to keep this secret. A small voice in my head says how can we know unless we trust them with it. I make up my mind and nod.

"Really!" Brianna looks excited. "Okay let's go."  We walk down the dorm halls as Brianna tells me they are at Lucy and Jayna's dorm. I'm nervous. What if they hate me? I wouldn't blame them. We get to the dorm almost too soon and I can feel my hands start to sweat. We walk in and the boys are playing a video game. Everyone turns to look at the two of us.

"Welcome!" Jayna smiles.

"Could you guys put that away?" I ask after a moment of silence. They pause it and I think that should be good enough.

"Whats up?" Lucy asks knowing we didn't come here without a purpose.

"This is all you." Brianna tells me. She wants me to tell them right this moment. I sit for a while just thinking about how to tell them. After a couple of minutes Trevor goes to start their game again.

"Trevor just one more minute." I ask. He nods and sits back.

"Okay so, I came to this school to do something important to me." I start. "Which was finding true friends and that's why I'm here."

"Mae what are you talking about?" Jayna looks confused.

"The thing is my name isn't really Mae." I tell them. All eyes in the room are on me either confused or surprised.

"Then what is your real name?" Zac asks. I find myself staring at him wondering why he asking. He knows my real name. He knows who I really am. But then I see him wink at me. He's playing along. Making it look like he didn't know so my friends don't feel like they are the last to know. I take a deep breath and let it out in one big huff gathering the courage.

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