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"Welcome to the stage number 164 My Funny Valentine." Mom and I woop as Nivea takes the stage. I've never seen this number. It's beautiful and Nivea's red and silver costume is perfect. Her hair is done up in some elaborate elegant up-do that just looks amazing. She has really improved since last season. Mostly with her facials and her technicality is on point.

She is flawless but about half way through her routine she is doing some floor work when her right foot catches her costume and when she sits up the one side of her costume has come undone. She doesn't let it faze her as she keeps dancing. She does very well but I know that the judges will dock her points for a costume malfunction. We rush to find her after she is done. I see her and her face is stone cold as Mrs Layla is trying to talk to her. She sees mom and I and rushes over. Her face is full of tears as she runs to hug us. She grabs my side and my mothers as I hold her close and mom does the same.

"It's okay Vea you did amazing." I confirm.

"My costume though." She grabs at the piece hanging in between her legs.

"Vea even with that you have the best chance because you danced beautifully. Sometimes things happen and as dancers we can't just stop what we are doing so that it's perfect. You just have to keep dancing." She smiles at me.

"I miss you at home Grace." She mumbles into my chest.

"I miss you too Vea."


Vea ended up getting second which isn't too bad for her first competition of the season. Justin and I scored first in our category and Sasha and Wilson didn't even place. Brianna got second with Lucy and Jayna for their trio, Zac got third in the men's solos and Trevor didn't place in the men's solos. As for everyone else I didn't really pay attention to what they got. Justin seems to be amazed by our win and rubs it in everyone's face. I remember that I need to talk to him about Sasha and that he has to act more distant.

"It was surreal we were dancing almost as one. Like we knew what the other would do in a heart beat." He smiles at me and I force a smile back.

"Okay we get it." Wilson glares at him but when he looks at me his facials change. It's like he is trying to figure me out or something. I look away and back down at the game I am playing on my phone. Brianna and I have been talking back and forth the whole ride home and she is helping me figure out what to say with Justin. It's like ever since I told him that I liked him back too he's been acting almost like my boyfriend and we never said that he was.

From: Brianna

Just tell him that Sasha caught on. Its a simple fix

I ignore Brianna's last text message. I'm worried that he would ask me more about what I'm hiding. When we get back to the school I'm glad that its the weekend. Mae said that she would be waiting when everyone comes back. "Where's Mae?" Lucy asks aloud.

"Yes where is your dear cousin Grace?" Sasha smirks at me.

"I'm not her keeper. She is a grown up and can take care of herself." I glare at Sasha. She sighs in annoyance as Brianna looks at me worriedly.

"Grace what are you doing the rest of the day?" Zac asks me.

"I think my parents are coming to pick me up." I state. "Want to take my sister and I out for ice cream."

"That's stupid." Sasha rolls her eyes.

"I think that's amazing." Zac smiles but it's not real, it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Anyways thank you Miss Kim for letting me ride up with you."

"Anytime." She smiles at me. I file off the bus first and walk straight into the school. I was serious about my mom wanting to take me out for ice cream. I walk towards the studio in my sweat pants and dance jacket. I see my mom and walk over to her.

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