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I get home after a long and awkward duet rehearsal.  Justin barely talked to me after Sasha left. When I get back all of my friends are back in our dorm chatting and laughing with Brianna.

"What time is it?" Lucy asks when she sees me trailing in.

"Nine." I state.

"We should probably go." Jayna says.

"Tomorrow's Saturday." Trevor points out.

"What does that mean?" Brianna asks.

"Time for some fun."


I sigh watching my friends leave. They are all going to go play some laser tag. Brianna said that she would text me when they are on their way back and she would take me shopping. I know that today I have to do this so I gather up all my courage and grab something out of my closet for Grace to wear. I grab the wig which I decided to keep from now on in my dance bag.

To: Justin

Can I talk with you?

I don't know if he will reply.

From: Justin

I thought you were at your parents this weekend.

I think about this for a moment before replying.

To: Justin

I wanted to talk with you first about yesterday.

I don't know why I feel the need to make this right but I hate feeling like he is mad or hurt because of me. I wait for a reply my leg bouncing in anticipation the whole time.

From: Justin


I smile as I tell him to meet me at the park. I walk over to the studio area. I walk into the privet studio and see Miss Kim.

"Did you and Justin come and practice yesterday? "

"Yea but something happened that I am trying to fix. How do I get out of here without any one seeing me?"

"Over there. Its an emergency exit and by the way you are talking this is an emergency." I rush over to the bathroom after thanking her. I change into my white laced dress and I made sure I packed some dance shorts to go under the dress. I feel more comfortable like this anyways. I pin the wig in place before walking out.

"Does this look good?"

"Here I'll help" Miss Kim comes over and straightens out my hair. I slip on my white running shoes before walking out the door. I walk to the park with my face to the sidewalk. I still do not know what I am going to say to Justin but I know I have to fix it.

"Grace?" I look up to see Justin sitting on a park bench.  

"Hey." I smile shyly. He doesn't look to happy about what happened yesterday.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"With Sasha yesterday I didn't mean-"

"I should have never came." He stands up to walk away.

"Could you let me explain please. I have a valid reason."

"Well?" He looks towards me. I feel like his eye can see right through me and that any lie that I will tell he wont believe.

"Could we maybe go somewhere more privet?" I get really nervous all of the sudden.

"Why did you suggest meeting here then?" He practically explodes.

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