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Brianna and I stayed up late. She thinks that Wilson and Sasha are working together to sabotage Justin's chance of getting into Australia's ballet company. I don't know about it but its a theory so far. I wake up the next morning excited. Even though I have school tomorrow, Brianna promised me a girl day full of spa appointments, shopping and makeovers.

"Hey, Lucy and Jayna will be here soon. They asked what I'd be doing today at laser tag yesterday and they wanted to come too. You cool with that?"

"Of course." We eat talking about Justin and Sasha and what's going on knowing that once Lucy and Jayna get here we wont have a chance to talk at all.

"I mean that's they only thing that makes sense. Sasha is pissed that Justin isn't her partner anymore and Wilson thinks that it was rude of Justin to do."

"But Wilson knows how much dance means to Justin and how much he wants to go to Australia, plus it gave Wilson an opportunity to dance with a top dancer. You have to admit that Sasha is really good."

"I know she is but that doesn't make her any less of a bitch." I laugh as I hear a knock on the door. I walk back into my room as Brianna gets the door. I have to change into something that'll be easy to slip off and on. I grab a pair of white shorts and a red tee-shirt and call it good.

"Mae." Brianna calls. I walk out and smile at Jayna and Lucy. "Okay so I made spa reservations at 5 pm for all of us. So we have until then to shop and Jayna said that she wanted a make over."

"Sweet." I nod.

"How about we do the makeover first." Lucy suggests. "We can start with the salon and all of us could get something done. Like Mae your hairs getting long." I didn't notice until I touch it and realize that it is getting pretty long. "Plus I want more red in my hair. So we can do that because I made reservations for all of us at 10." I look at the time and see that it's 9.

"After that we can do makeup!" Brianna suggests.

"Move into the mall after for shopping." I state.

"Lastly the spa." Jayna smiles. "Sounds perfect." We make our way to Zac's truck and hop in. The rides not long since Brianna is driving, she speeds like crazy. She asked Zac if we could use his truck since we dont want to haul everything back on the bus. We get to this really fancy salon and Lucy leads us in. Turns out Lucy's aunt owns the salon. I get my hair cut and get my roots touched up. The lady then styles my hair in loose curls that I love. Brianna got her hair just cut because she's a natural blond. Lucy went more red like she wanted instead of brown and Jayna went from a dirty blond to a dark chocolate color that looks amazing on her. She also got layers cut and she just looks so beautiful! Lucy's Aunt says it's on the house which is nice. Next we do makeup which Brianna seems most excited about. She makes me get some foundation and a new mascara but I want to save most of my money for shopping for clothing.

"So cute! Lets go get some food." Lucy says. We stop at the food court in the mall to eat. Brianna makes me try some sushi with her, Lucy has a salad and Jayna has pizza. When we finish I'm so excited for shopping. We stop at all of the girls favorite stores. I get everything from shorts to matching under garments to shoes. We have to make four trips to put all of our bags to Zac's truck. By the time we are finished his box is packed as full as we could get it. I don't know how all the other girls are paying for this but mom has all of my money in a bank account from every competition I have ever been in and I haven't touched it until today. When we stop shopping we walk around waiting for it to be five.

"Look at this!" Brianna walks into a tattoo and piercing shop.

"I'm not a tattoo person." Jayna states.

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