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Today is my date with Justin he said to wear something I can dance in so I listen and Brianna of course said that it had to be cute yet functional. Little did I know that she was going to give me what looks like an old costume.

"I can't go on a date looking like this?"

"Why not? You look gorgeous and you can dance in it. In my books its a win win. Now get going he's going to think you stood him up." She lastly helps me put on the wig before I exit the room. I walk with a jacket on and a hood up. I stop at the public bathrooms and put my cover clothes in a baggy before placing them behind a brick in the wall. I walk out of the bathroom to see Justin standing in the park looking around awkwardly. I smile and walk over to him.

"Hey!" He smiles in relief. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"To dance." He smiles leading me back to the little place where he dances. I notice he is wearing jeans and a tee shirt nothing too special were as I look crazy overdressed standing beside him. Av nods at us as we walk in.

"Barbie, Ken welcome back. I'm actually teaching today want to learn something?"

"Sure." I smile at her. Everyone is partnered off. It's a hip hop number. Justin and I dance for fun this time. She teaches very well making sure everyone has everything before she moves on. By the time Justin and I have the dance down we have already been there for an hour and a half.

"Thanks Av for teaching us."

"No problem rift raft is always welcome here." I smile at her as Justin gives her a man hug.

"So what now?"

"Now we go for supper." He smiles at me. "But first we have to stop at my car." He hops into his car and grabs out some clothes. He changes in the bathroom. He is wearing dress pants and a nice white button up top. He looks amazing. We go to Fired Up Grill again for supper and it is good as well. After that he takes me to a movie. We walk into the theater and its almost packed. We quickly find seats before Sisters staring Tina Fey and Amy Poehler trailer lights up the screen. It's crazy funny and I have a really good time. After that Justin walks me over to the park. I kiss him goodbye and he leaves as I walk to the public bathroom.

As I grab my clothes out of the public bathroom I think back about the date. Not going to lie it was pretty standard. I loved the dancing but the food and movie was so main stream. Now I'm not saying that it was a horrible date and I didn't have fun I just wish her would have done something special.

I walk back into my dorm to see Brianna still awake. "How was it?" She turns off the TV giving me her full attention. I tell her about the date and how much fun I had dancing with him. I told her about supper and the movie and she crinkled her nose a little.

"That's all he did?"


"Wow that's so-" She stops to think of the word.

"Main stream?"

"Yea. It's like he didn't put in any effort. I swear if Wilson does as bad as a job as Justin did there will be no hope for the male race!"

"Brianna." I roll my eyes.

"What? You want something special not blah."

"I know but he did something really special for our first date."

"But he has to keep trying. It's all about the chase."

"Oh boy." I shake my head at her nonsense.

"I'm serious."

"I think it's time for bed." I walk over to my room. I take a quick shower before finally going to bed secretly hoping that Brianna is right and that Wilson's date is ten times better than Justin's.

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