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I walk down the hall as Miss Kim tells me what I need to know. She is all about dance and that is something I admire about her.

"Also there is a welcome back to school day today, that I forgot about. Everyone will meet in the courtyard at nine for it and its sort of an all day thing." She tells me.

"Do I have to go?"

"It would be the best way to meet friends and get acquainted with the school."

"I see."

"This is your room, Your room mate is currently out of town and will be back sometime this coming week. Here are your papers."

"Thank you."

"I hope you enjoy the school."

"I will see you tomorrow after school?"

"Yes you will."

"Ok, thank you." I smile as she walks away. I enter the room to see that it is not a normal dorm room. I enter into a living, kitchen and dining area. It's beautiful and all clean but it looks impersonal. I walk over to one of the doors to see that it is a bedroom. I see also that it's a little messy so this must be my room mates room. I walk over to the other side where there is another door. I enter the room to see that it is empty, thank goodness.

I place all my bags on the floor before looking around. I have a long closet that has sliding mirrors as a door and my own bathroom. I look at my phone and it tells me it's seven twenty. I decide first to do a little core workout. When I finish that it's around seven thirty.

I hop into my shower and when I finish, I do my hair. I blow dry it and curl it in big loose curls that turn away from my face. I love how fast it is to do my short hair. I then put on some eye liner and mascara and call my makeup good. After I exit my bathroom and open my bag to set out some comfortable yet cute clothing. I slip on some leggings and a cute top, before putting on some music and finishing unpacking my smallest bag. When the first bag is finished its around eight fifteen. I have about ten minutes before I should leave.

Since the morning classes are focused on the arts the afternoon classes is the ones I have to worry about most. I pull out the sheet that Miss Kim gave me. First is Drama, second Art and last before lunch is Choir. After lunch it's Math, English, Science, Social and last period is called AMB. I have no idea what that is.

I exit my room and look for something to eat in my kitchen area. After only finding pop tarts, I open that package and make a note to go shopping soon. I sit down at the couch and look around thinking that maybe I can do something to make it look less impersonal. I smile knowing that I will stop by Wal-Mart or something before going back into my room or sometime soon.. I grab my phone and the key to the dorm, putting it on my key chain. I exit my room and follow a group of people towards the school.

"This is so cool." I hear a couple of people say. I see that they look to being either freshman or a sophomores. I get to the school area of the building and see what the school looks like. It's huge. I heard that there is about three hundred in each grade. I follow everyone to the court yard and see that everyone is splitting up. I walk in to the court yard and it's crazy beautiful. It looks like a forest in here with a beautiful fountain and picnic tables. I see a stage off to the side with the principle standing on it. I look around and see signs with each grade number on it. I go to the senior corner and just stand by myself.

"Welcome to the back to school fun day." The principle starts as people shout and clap their hands. "I need two volunteers from each grade that I am going to pick randomly. Seniors first, Sasha Vromen and Justin Lott. Next Juniors." I tune the principle out as Sasha, my biggest rival, steps on the stage with a good looking guy beside her. She has her hand in his so I'm guessing they are a couple. He says something to her as he looks back at our grade. More people step up onto the stage. It seems like a competition.

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