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It's been two weeks since we found out who got which role and they seemed to have filled all of the other roles. I mean I do get to learn all of the dancing and all of the lines for Helena's role but the only time I will get to preform is if Sasha is gone, like sick or can't make it some how which I doubt that she'll let that happen. Hell will freeze over before she lets me play that role.

Mrs. Darm and Mr Carmichael tried to get Mr Gauche to reconsider but it was not happening. Sasha was all smiles and in my face about everything and I hated it. I focused more on my dancing because we had another competition coming up and I needed to make sure that we did perfect.

"Justin where is your head?" Miss Kim asked him on our usual Thursday practice.

"I'm sorry that I'm not fully into it but I have all my lines to learn and songs as well as like ten other dances for the play and I'm trying my best to-."

"Well if you aren't going to pay attention then I guess Grace will be doing a solo for this comp. You can go now."

"But-" she points to the door as he walks out. I'm confused but I honestly think a solo would be better now. All last week when we were on our date he kept bringing up the play and how happy he is that he got the part. I tried to act happy for him but a little part of me was jealous and I felt like I was cheated.

"Grace don't you start too." Miss Kim sighs.

"I'm here and ready to begin." She works me hard and I'm excited for this one. By the time we are finished I'm soaked in sweat. I stretch out not letting my mind wander. I go to leave the studios. I grab all my stuff before leaving. I am so excited to go to take a shower and jump into bed for the night.

"Grace!" Justin shouts out. He is honestly the last person I want to talk to. I keep walking but he easily catches up.

"Hey what's up?"

"That was so crap, Miss Kim kicking me out and all right?"

"Your head wasn't in the dance, I understand why she did it."

"What do you mean?" He stops me by grabbing my arm to look at him. I sigh in annoyance not wanting to talk about this but I know that I need to tell him the truth.

"Maybe it's all too much for you."

"What?" He asks.

"Being my partner and Sasha's, the musical, learning all your lines and dances and songs while trying to learn new routines for competitions, being my boyfriend and taking me out on secret dates-"

"I can do all of that. Why don't you have faith in me?"

"It's just a lot on your plate Justin and I don't want to lose in competitions because you have so much going on."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Is that all that's important to you?" I ask him.


"I want a partner that will be as mentally in practice as he is physically. Dance is everything to me Justin."

"I understand that-"

"But I don't think you do. Maybe you're just spreading yourself a little too thin." I state.

"I can get better, I promise."

"Okay." I nod and it makes me think. Maybe it was a good thing that I didn't get a part in the musical. Maybe it would all be just too much so maybe it was for the better.

"Good night Justin." I walk away from him and he just stares after me thinking hopefully about what I had said. I go into the girls bathroom and remove my wig . I look at my gross sweat soaked hair and close my eyes. I just breath for a minute. Brianna walks in looking at me.

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