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"Vea You look amazing!" I shout entering my old studio's room at Nationals. They gave them the same room as last year. I remember last year when I won the solo rounds and my fake friends were talking behind my back and it all just seems like forever ago because so much had changed.

"Grace! So you didn't end up going to Australia?" Tina asks me.

"Nope just switched schools." I smile fakely like they would notice the difference.

"So you lied?" Another girl asked. She's a couple years younger than us.

"I did what I had to, to be happy." I state. "One short year ago I won nationals and I found out my whole life was a lie. I had friends that, behind my back I should say, thought I didn't deserve my win or that I would even be in the top ranks." I see both look at me eyes wide. "I needed real friends and I got them. People I can actually rely on and that are honest with me. They like me for me and not because I could help them improve or because I am Grace Andrews."

Vea smiles at me pointing at the door. There stand my five best friends and my boyfriend. I smile at them all getting emotional. "They know and like the real me."

"Love the real you." Wilson corrects. I feel the tears almost spill over. The whole room is silent as I just stare at them.

"Come here." Brianna says and I run over to hug my friends. I laugh as the happy tears spill as both Brianna and I cry.

"Love you girl." Lucy smiles. Jayna just holds me close. We have grown so much since the beginning of this year. As a team and friends.

"Get over here!" Zac says to Vea. She rushes over to hug us. I hold my sister close. These are the people that mean the most to me in the whole world. The only people we are missing are my parents.

"Grace!" Mrs. Layla smiles at me. I smile a full real smile at her having actually missed her.

"So good to see you." I tell her. "Vea let me help you with your hair." I tell her. I help her pin up her crazy amount of hair.

"You know it's not the real thing right?" She asks.

"Shh." I shush her and she just laughs. "Have fun up there and go full out." I say as my friends and I go to the audience area. When Vea enters the stage all is quiet. When her music starts her energy is through the roof and that's hard to accomplish for a slower song. Vea's dance is so raw and pure. I love every second of it.

"She's amazing!" Zac says.

"Just like her sister." Brianna adds. We all clap and hoot when she leaves the stage. Her routine was just wow. This was only a practice since solos are not until next week. But she did amazing. I practice my routine to open solos as well as my solo routine.

"You did amazing!" Wilson tells me when I get off the stage.

"Thank you. It's harder than I thought to have so many dances going on in my head."

"I can only imagine." Wilson smiles. "If at the start of last year you saw all this happening would there be anything you would change?"

"No, because every situation I was put in made me the person I am today and I like me."

"I like you too." Wilson is called into the stage and I go back into the audience. I watch as each of my friends practice their routines on stage. We all decide to go out for sundaes after the practice. I order a large cone and am on cloud 9. We eat and talk for a little just enjoying each others company when I get a text message.

From: Miss Kim

We got in thank goodness. Next time just do what I ask.

I ignore it but it does effect my mood. I go from being on top of the clouds to below ground level.

"Grace?" Vea looks at me.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"Solos are in a couple days I was asking if your nervous?"

"Not overly." I state. "I'm just hyped."

"I can tell." Brianna mutters.

"What happened?" Vea gives me her look. Now the funny thing about Vea's look is its almost indescribable. You know when you parent gives you a look that says I know something happened so just spit it out. It's like one of those looks.

"Miss Kim just texted me." I nonchalantly state. "No biggy." My eyes linger on Wilson and I see Vea get what I'm saying.

"What did she say?" Brianna asks.

"We got in."

"That's amazing!" Lucy smiles.

"We just need to start working on our finals routine. I think Av is choreographing it."

"That's awesome." Vea smirks at me.

"All right I need to take you guys someplace" I stand and they all look at me. "But first we have to go change, we are going dancing"

I take the girls back to my place nod we get properly dressed. The guys come back in just shirts and sweat pants. We all had to go digging in Brianna's closet.

"Let's get in the car." I state and all of my friends follow me and I'm pumped to show them my little secret.


We pull up outside of the building where Justin took me on my first date. Av greets me at the door.

"Hey Barbie." She smirks.

"Av." I nod smiling at her. "Brought some friends here to dance."

"Perfect. Party starts in less than an hour. Come on back." We follow her through the store. She takes us all the way out back to a Court yard type looking area. Most of Av's crew is already here. They have this awesome music system set up. One of Av's friends approachable me. I've seen him dancing here before.

"Hey its Barbie! Where's Ken at?"

"Couldn't make it." I tell them even though he wasn't invited.

"Let's get to dancing." They turn on the music. Av takes Trevor's hand and the guy talking to me takes mine. Some of Av's friends come over and grab the rest of my friends hands. We dance the night away with no worries. It was probably one of my favourite memories of this year. My friends and I just having one last dance before everything gets real.


Okay so I had really bad writers block on this chapter. I may come back to it and add more because it is ridiculously short. Tell me what you think.

To the top is Vea's solo for nationals and the outfits the girls wear to dance.

Next update is soon I promise. I know this one took forever but next one won't be near as long.

So I just recently changed who played Zac. Instead of Max Irons it is Garrett Hedlund! I put his picture on the school chapter! I'm sorry it just worked out better this way!

We are almost at the end of the book! I have started writing a short side story that goes with another book of mine called Already done and I will be posting that one when this book finishes!

I have been getting loads of amazing comments and I just want you all to know I look at every single one and they all make me smile! You guys make what I do worth it so thank you!




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