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"So these next couple of weeks you two will be training every night."

"But I have-" Miss Kim gives Justin a glare and it makes me shiver.

"Av will be choreographing your routine for Regionals." She smiles as the door opens. Av walks in with her usual swagger and the biggest smirk I have ever seen glued to her face.

"Don't I have the perfect routine for you too." And that is where life as we knew it ended. Just kidding, but man did she work us hard.

Every night I just get home and crash. Which sounds a lot worse than it did. For the first week I had completely given up on homework because I don't have the time or energy to do it. Knowing that my parents wouldn't like that I start getting up at six in the morning just to do homework and for a while that's how it went.

Get up at six do homework until eight twenty, school until three, then dance until almost eleven and start all over again. I would find spots to fit in breakfast and supper but that was my daily life for almost two whole weeks. I ended up cancelling on Wilson and felt horrible about it. I was running out of energy and fast.

It was about a week until regionals and I was walking to the studios when I heard Justin talking to Lindon and Joey.

"Grace and you?" Lindon asks Justin.

"Yeah, I think things of been going good. I mean we both been so busy you know? Getting ready for regionals and all. But I think we're gonna make it work I mean we are a power couple." Justin tells them.

"I still can't believe that you scored Grace Andrews." Joey says to him and he just smirks.

"Yeah I guess I'm pretty lucky."

"And that body." Lindon cat calls. I roll my eyes annoyed with the conversation when they get to a more interesting subject. My other personality.

"What about Mae?" Joey asks.

"I don't know. I think she's just trying to hard." Lindon states.

"She doesn't belong here." Justin tells them.

"What about her and Wilson?" Joey asks their opinion.

"I don't know I think they are kinda cute." Lindon shrugs.

"Sure she has a nice rack. But what else does she have going for her? I don't really care about her or what her and Wilson do, I just want to make sure that she stays out of Grace and my way." Justin states looking annoyed. Is that really what he thinks of me?

"What do you mean stay out of  yours and Graces way?" Joey asks.

"She seems to like to tattle on me. Like when I was fake dating Sasha, Mae told Grace that I kissed her which yeah I did but Mae needs to learn to keep her mouth closed and her nose out of other peoples business." Justin says harshly. I didn't tattle! I happened to be there to see the whole thing! Even if I wasn't Mae I would have wanted someone to tell me. That lying little..

"I guess as long as Mae keeps her nose out of my business she's fine in my books." Lindon states. He doesn't like the real me. Only the famous version of me. Having enough of this conversation I rush past the boys and straight into our private training room.

"Hey Grace." Justin smiles as he walks in a few moments later. I force a smile.

"Hey, whats up?" He looks relieved. I just keep playing what he said over and over in my head. When Miss Kim and Av walk in I put it to the back of my mind.

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