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Having all of my friend in normal classes are a little weird but I like it too. I get to hang out more with everyone even Sasha who I honestly don't want to spend any extra time with but it is what it is. We are sitting at lunch just hanging out when Mrs Darm approaches our table.


"Yea." I look at her confused.

"I want you in my room Friday after school."

"I have to study Friday night."

"It wont take that long.

"Yea I guess I can be there." I nod. Being that today is Wednesday I have no idea what is even going on. She walks away and I can't help think how strange Mrs Darm is. The rest of my day is fine. After AMB I rush back to my dorm hoping to see Nivea but when I get there she isn't here. I decide to go to the studios and see if she is there. I walk into our normal studio and see her practicing a solo to the song stop and stare by one republic. It's a good piece but she stumbles and falls to the ground. She smacks the floor with her hands and pushes herself back up. She then sets for fouettes but loses her balance after the third. I walk over to the music and turn it off. Her head whips over to me as her hair is a mess from turning.

"Vea what's going on?"

"I can't get second again."

"What are you talking about you did amazing."


"Think of it this way you beat everyone else out for second."

"I didn't win."

"That doesn't matter."

"Oh course it doesn't to you! You've won so many time our parents have lost count." Her breathing is heavy as her eyes meet mine. Little Vea is gone and in her place are hard eyes that look ready to break anything that gets in her way.

"What is going on with you Vea?"

"Do you know what it's like being your sister?" I stop talking and look at her. "Always being compared to you? First it was Miss Layla and now Mom even Dad made a comment about me not being good enough last night."

"It's not like that Vea." I reach out for her but she takes a step back.

"Why? You will always be better. Just because you won your first nationals at nine and I don't even have one yet. It's not like I never worked for it,"

"Of course you have."

"Just shut the hell up!"

"Nivea!" I shout. She looks at me. "Mom and Dad don't care about that. You are amazing you did almost perfect at last weekends competition."

"Almost perfect, not perfect but almost. That's my point. I will never be as perfect as you Grace and I'm sick and tired of hearing that you would point your feet harder and you would work out every morning and you jumped higher than Miss. Layla has ever seen. I'm done Grace. I am done being the second sister that is always one step behind her older better sister." She storms out of the studio area with her bag in hand. I had no idea that she was feeling that way. I decide to not dance today feeling to emotional to even think about it.

"Mae?" Brianna asks when I walk in the front door.


"Where's Vea?"

"She left."

"Already?" Brianna turns to look at me.

"I'm just going to go to bed." I walk into my room without another word. I lay on my bed and I can hear her voice in my head.

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