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"That's all he has been talking about all weekend," Lucy tells me as we walk past Justin and their group.

"It was amazing! She was amazing. It was the perfect first date and she promised me a second one," He says. I listen in, wanting to know what he thought of the date.

"So musical auditions are next week!" Sasha attempts to change the topic.

"And she promised me she would come and see the musical when I get Demetrius!" Justin bursts excitedly.

"Well then she will get to see you dance with me when I'm Helena." Sasha smirks.

"Who says that you will get it?" I ask. Everyone turns to look at me.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I might," I tell her. Joey starts laughing and Wilson looks at me like he can't believe that I just said that.

"As If. She's a lead and all the leads have to dance. I already warned you. Why can't you get it through your head? You're not a threat because you can't dance."

"I can dance. I may not have done it recently, but I have danced in the past and from what I hear you're not that hard to beat."

"Ooooh." Lindon smirks at me.

"I will crush you." She gets all up in my face but I don't let her intimidate me because I know that I am the better dancer and I have the trophy to prove it.

"Bring it on!" I glare at her.

"I will." She walks away from me. "Just be ready for when I kick your ass."

"Good luck."

"Don't need it." The bell rings as we glare at each other. We leave for our separate classes. My day goes by fine after that. I tell my drama teacher that I'm auditioning for Helena and I can see in her eyes that she doesn't think that I will be a good Helena. At lunch I sit down with everyone as they stare at me.

"How are you going to pull this off?" Trevor asks me.

"I'll just get that Grace person to help me," I tell them jokingly.

"That's not possible," Jayna says.

"It was a joke, chill," I tell her.

"We could help you. Tonight after school," Brianna suggests. They all shrug saying why not.

"Cool," I say with a smile on my face.

"We could help you every week night," Zac offers.

"Once a week should be fine." I look at Brianna.

"Not if you want to beat Sasha." Lucy looks at me.

"I just- I have a job that I work at on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday."

"Really?" Lucy looks at me. I nod and they all shrug.

"All other nights we should practice," Lucy says.

"Or we could get up a couple hours earlier in the mornings and work on it then. I can take you down to the studio and train you."

I smile at Brianna. "I'd like that."

Briana nods. "That's it then. Training starts tomorrow morning." After that everyone starts talking about Grace and how much of Justin's story they actually believe. I just tune them out. I think about how I'm going to make it look like I don't dance. I realize that I might have to put more effort into not being able to dance then doing fouettes. This is going to be one long school year.


I wake up the next morning at four thirty. I pull on some work out clothes and go over to Brianna's room. I walk in and she is still asleep. "Brianna." I shake her awake. She groans and opens her eyes.

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