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Supper went a lot smoother than I thought it would. After supper my parents and Vea left, Justin and I just walked around for a little after that just talking. I couldn't figure out what was going on with me and It was really affecting my dancing. I was thinking about Justin a lot and it got harder to talk with him at school as well and I think he has been noticing it too. Three days has gone by since that night and Miss Kim was done with whatever was going on with me.

"Grace! What is wrong with you?" She looks at me. It's Tuesday, we started practice three hours ago and I've been dancing my worst.

"I honestly have no idea!" I stand up and start pacing. "Miss Kim I think I might be sick! My stomach has been doing flips and-"

"Grace, I think we should be done for the day."


"You will train your sister tomorrow and by Thursday I expect that what ever is going on will be gone."

"Yes Miss Kim." She leaves me in the privet studio. What is wrong with me? I stay for another half an hour before deciding that it's time to go. I walk out of the studio mad at myself.

"Hey Mae." I look up to see Sasha.

"What Sasha?" I glare at her and she looks at me like she won something.

"I knew it."

"What?" I look at her confused.

"I knew there was something at was off about you."

"What are you even talking about." I roll my eyes walking past her.

"Grace I thought you were above lying." I freeze in place as I hear her laugh to herself. I continue walking trying not to give it away.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I can feel my heart racing. This can't be happening. She follows me down the hall. The studio is practically empty.

"Did you think no one would figure it out? I knew the very first day I met you that we had met before, I assumed it was from a competition but then I remembered that you didn't dance."


"Don't interrupt me. I thought nothing about it but then I saw you with your sister and did some digging and the glare you just gave me made everything make sense. Mae Perrin doesn't exist, you're Grace Andrews. But the real question is why?"

"What do you want?" I turn and look at her. Her face is full of pride as she throws me a sadistic smile.

"I want you to stop this competing with me for Helena and I want you to leave Justin alone."

"Fine I wont audition, but Justin is my duet partner, I can't just not dance."

"Whatever, just stop those stupid dates you go on, or else-" I glare at her. I don't need this.

"What will you do Sasha? Tell my secret? It's going to come out at some point in time."

"From what I understand you want to be the person that tells everyone not me." I take a breath to calm myself. "Answer this for me. Why did you come here? To spy on me?"

"I moved because for once I wanted people to like me for me and not because I'm Grace Andrews."

"Wanted real friends, well this is priceless."

"Why Sasha, why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you?" I look at her as her eyes fill with rage.

"Really Mae." She hisses out my name as others start entering the studio area. "Just get Grace to stay away from Justin." She storms away as my heart drops and I have no idea what to do. It's just a little secret but I did think that no one would find out this fast. I breath in and out as I try to calm my racing heart.

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