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The rest week went by the same. We would do some improv in Drama to warm up then practice a little of the play. Mrs Darm would always keep me as Helena and I could tell Sasha was getting annoyed especially when Mrs Darm would give me pointers. Then Choir Sasha had made a habit of showing up late and it seems Mr Carmichael got used to it since Sasha is now his chair one Soprano. Sasha is actually a decent singer so it makes me very nervous, even though I know that I can't audition for Helena. I still have almost an entire month until I figure out what I want to do. Dance rehearsals where almost every night and on Wednesday Miss Kim gave me my new BTSA dance team jacket. They are all white and black and look crazy amazing. It even says my last name on the back which is really cool.

"Come on Grace and Justin we have got to go." We are currently getting onto the bus with the rest of the students that are competing in this weekends competition. Justin has been very touchy lately and it's sort of been bugging me a little. Justin sits next to me and Brianna and all of my other friends surround me.

"So Grace why haven't I seen you around more often?" Sasha asks from the seat beside Justin's. I can see her glaring at Justin's hand that is practically touching mine. She and Wilson sat right across from Justin and I. It made me wanted to hit myself in the face. I don't mind Wilson so much anymore, like Brianna stated he is a really nice guy, it's just Sasha and all of her evilness that I don't like. I move my hand away from Justin's and put my back against the window of the bus.

"I've been really busy with school and dance that I haven't had much time to hang out as I would have liked."

"Is that so?" Lucy asks me butting in the conversation.

"Yea, just been practicing as much as possible." I feel my phone vibrate twice. I take it out of my pocket and look at the first message.

From: Mom

We are all heading to the competition now. Nivea is in it too! We will meet you there!

I smile and type a reply.

To: Mom

Sounds good, can't wait to see you all

I send it before deciding to open the second.

From: Brianna

What's up with Justin? Did he ask you out?

I look at the text confused.

To: Brianna

No why would you ask that?

I put my phone away and start up a conversation with Zac.

"So Zac you have been dancing for how long?" Out of the corner of my eye I see Brianna take out her phone.

"Since I was in the sixth grade. I fell in love with it when I saw Romeo and Juliet on Broadway. It was amazing and I loved every second of it and I've been dancing ever since."

"That's really cool!" I feel my phone vibrate but choose to ignore it for a while.

"Yea my mom was really happy thought it would be good for me but my dad hated that I dropped baseball for it."

"Really? Doesn't he know how hot it is to watch a guy dance?" Brianna asks. We all turn to look at her. "What it is a major turn on!" I take this opportunity to slide out my phone.

From: Brianna

I thought he knew about the deal with Sasha and if he keeps being this touchy she's going to do something

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