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The week went by fast in between musical rehearsals and dance practice my grades were fall through the cracks I knew I just had to get through the musical then I could get back on track. It was opening night when all hell broke loose. I rush to the school after missing Mrs Darms call. "Mrs Darm?" I call out.

"Mae it's a good thing you are here Sasha left to go to regionals and-"

"She is skipping opening night?" I ask completely confused.

"No she flat out quit opening night." Mr Carmichael tells me.

"I didn't realize that make up regionals were tonight. Can you blame her?" Mr Gauche asks.

"Yes, She committed to this and she left us hanging. I hope you spent as much time grooming Mae as you did Sasha." Mr Carmichael says.

"I-" Mr Gauche looks pale.

"I know everything" I tell them.

"Yea right." Mr Gauche says. "We can't just throw her out there. Shes not ready."

"And who's fault is that?" Mrs Darm shouts.

"We can't cancel either." Mr Carmichael points out. "We will have a giant auditorium full of people that would want their money back. You know that if we cancel this what would happen to the schools reputation."

"Not just that but giving all their money back is not possible and you know that." Mrs Darm tells him.

"Just let me do this." They all look at me. Mr Gauche looks in my eyes and I know I'm going to prove him wrong.

"Get her to makeup." Mr Gauche shouts out as I'm rushed away. I text my mother telling her that I'm the lead tonight and she texts me back saying they are going to be there. Just before I walk in I hear Justin on the phone.

"Are you kidding me Sasha, Mae isn't prepared we are all going to look like fools out there." I feel like I'm having deja-vu. Justin is obviously on the phone with her and probably does not know that I am standing right here. "This whole production is going to be a joke if you don't get back here in time.....I know it was regionals but seriously-" I walk into the room and start getting my makeup ready. Justin looks shocked.

"Well good luck I guess." Justin hangs up as Wilson comes running into the room.

"Is it true are you now the lead for Helena?" He asks me. I nod as he rushes over to me. He picks me up and spins me around in the air. I laugh and hug him close. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, but I have to let the girls start on my makeup." Wilson sits with me as I get my makeup done. When I move to hair they add extensions in my hair so it can be put into a bun. I don't know how they have blonde extensions but it works for me. When I get to costumes I'm nervous because Sasha smaller than me and I'm more muscly than she is. Mrs Darm thankfully got the costumes in my size as well. She puts the microphone on me right before we are about to start.

"Break a leg Grace."

"You knew?" I ask her and she just smiles at me.

"I know everything." My first dancing scene is Helena's dance with Demetrius and right at the beginning. When we dance Justin kept saying things like 'point you feet' and 'smile' every time his back was to the audience and it made me quite angry. I did my best and I know that it was good. He wouldn't say that if he was dancing with Grace, but in his mind Grace is at he same skill level as him.

We go through the play and my solo for singing goes amazing. I got a standing ovation. I go straight back into character as we all start falling asleep. The curtains close as we get ready for the second act. I practice the solo over in my head and I couldn't help but notice Wilson staring at me.

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