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We leave the dorm and follow the people into the courtyard.

"Where do you think we will be going today?" Lucy asks us as we sit down with our group.

"I have no idea, but I hope it's cool." Brianna says.

"Same, I can use a day just away from dance class." Trevor stretches a little before slouching down.

"I love field trip days." Jayna joins us at the table. It seems today that we are sitting alone and not with the populars.

"Mae can I talk to you?" I look up to see Wilson standing at the end of our table. I stand up and walk over to him.

"What's up?"

"In privet?" He looks at my friends as I nod. I follow him as we stand over by the edge of the courtyard.

"Mae," The bell rings for class as I look at him.

"You can talk to me later ok?"

"Sure." He nods and rushes away. I walk back over to my friends and grab my bag. Brianna looks at me questioning but I wave to tell her later. I walk to my first class. When I enter the room everyone is standing around.

"All Senior students please report to the foot ball field for field trip day." The principles voice booms over the PA system. I get to the door and walk with my class to the football field. I see my friends as I rush over to them. I see five  busses lined up.

"Seniors." The principles voice is playing through the speakers all around us. "Buddy up for the bus ride, no more than two per seats." She says as we all start making our way towards where the busses are. "First bus people with last names that start with A to E, second bus-" She goes on as people start making their way to the busses. "Fourth bus P to S, Fifth bus is T to Z" Brianna and I make our way to the fourth bus. We rush to the back where it's less chaotic. We sit down as the bus fills with people. They start calling out names as everyone quiets down. Each teacher has a walky talky. It takes a good ten minutes before we even start moving. When we do I turn to Brianna.

"What was up with Wilson?"

"I don't know he said he wanted to talk but he didn't say anything. I told him he could tell me later."

"Do you think Sasha told him?" Brianna asks.

"I don't think she would. Why would you say that?"

"They have been getting very buddy buddy in class. It's weird, they used to hate each other actually. Used to hate sharing Justin."

"I did see them dancing in the studios a while ago."


"Maybe they are just duet partners."

"Mae don't be naïve." Brianna gives me a look.

"Maybe we should just keep an eye on them then." I suggest.

"Will do. I'll keep an eye on them in class, you keep an eye on them at the studios." I nod. It gets silent as we just listen to people talking around us. "Where you ever going to tell us?"

"I was. I wasn't sure when but I knew that my secret would come out at one point in time."

"You just didn't expect this soon?"

"No I guess I'm not very good at hiding things."

"The way I found out wasn't because you where sloppy but because your mom is-" She pauses.

"Sorta crazy and messed everything up."

"I guess you could say that."

"I love my mother but it's true."

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