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"Justin thanks for joining us. What took you so long?" Miss Kim asks. Justin is a half an hour late.

"I had to practice with Mr. Gauche." He says and Miss Kim nods as he walks over and hands her a note probably from Mr. Gauche.

"Stretch out for ten minutes then I have a new routine to teach you for the competition in a couple weeks." I watch as she leaves the room. I go to stretch again as she started a privet lesson with me already thinking that Justin wasn't going to show up.

"Sweet, I love competitions."

"It seems like a good time. I hope its a fun number." I smile. Most of the time when I get a new numbers its all emotion and technical stuff. Don't get me wrong its amazing and I love it but sometimes I just want to let loose and have some fun. We stretch in silence for a while before Justin breaks the silence.

"We still on for that date tomorrow night?"

"Yea, what time?" I ask.

"I'll pick you up for supper." He smiles at me. I nod back as Miss Kim walks into the room with a bag at her side.

"You will need these to dance in." She throws the bag towards us. I come out of my split and open the bag inside are two pairs of regular converse. I look at her confused before giving the bigger pair to Justin. He puts them on as we start the number. She teaches us and we fly through the routine. We are half way finished before we move onto something else to give us a break.

"Now Justin, let's see the solo you are working on and then Grace we'll see one of yours. Justin make sure you do your best." Miss Kim nods as Justin rushes over to tell her his song. She nods and walks over to the stereo system. Justin gets into position before the music starts and he dances.

His solo is cool different. It's a contemporary number and he seems to be enjoying it. He is concentrating so much that I can see the beads of sweat forming on his brow. I notice that since we are in the normal studios, other dancers watch as he dances his hardest. It seems very precise and his technique is good, but he doesn't use his face and that will dock him points in competitions. He finishes and it is a wonderful dance, he is huffing and puffing.

"Now Justin I graded you on that and now Grace will go against you. Grace your solo please." I nod and walk over to her to tell the song. She doesn't have it so I walk over to my bag and grab out my phone. I hand her it as I head towards the table in the hall. People move out of my way as I look for the table I saw earlier. I'm going to do the dance I learned at camp, my solo was the hardest because I had to learn to move smoothly but I also had a chair that I had to learn how to properly maneuver. I grab a chair and carry it into the room. Miss Kim smiles at me as I get into my starting position. I love this routine because it means so much to me personally.

I look away from the chair as the music starts. Emotions clog my vision as it's just me and the chair. I feel my eyes start to tear up as I turn to look at the chair. I bring the chair closer to me. This song is about being hurt by the person or persons you trusted most and for me it's all about being walked all over because of something that I'm good at. I don't even see the people around me as I dance.  I spin close to the chair before stepping onto it. In the dance the chair 'trips' me, making me almost fall and I land like I was taught. I dance around it a little more as the song invades all of my senses. I feel a rush of emotions as I push the chair away and prepare for my pirouettes.

I go through the motions of the dance, all the little stunts that were added in as I dance my hardest. Then it gets to my favorite part. The lyrics say 'The one thing that I still know is that you're bringing me down.' I fall as I feel free, they can't bring me down anymore, not my ex best friends or anyone at my old studio. I'm free.

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