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"What happened next?" Brianna asked me. My date with Wilson was yesterday and I finally have some alone time with Brianna to tell her what happened.

"Well his parents left and he cooked for me, we had spaghetti and chicken with this really yummy sauce."

"Are you sure he didn't just get everything from a box?"

"No Brianna he cooked everything right in front of me, I mean yea the spaghetti could have been from a box but the sauce was cooked from scratch."

"So what happened after supper?"

"We went for a walk." I smile as the fresh memory invades my mind.

Last night~

"Where are we going Wilson?"

"I told you I would take you to my dancing place." he smiled at me. We walked along this path in the field, just talking back and forth. He asked me mostly about my home life. I answer as best as I could without giving anything away. He kept looking at me when I talked almost like every word that came out of my mouth was the most important thing he had ever heard.

"Are we almost there?" I ask him and he smirks.

"Almost but I think it will be worth the walk."

"Is that so?" I jokingly ask him.

"It's a promise." We walk down the path in silence. I see this giant farm house it's looks old and very used but it's still standing tall so I mean that's cool. "It's here." He smiles grabbing my hand as he runs towards the farm house. We run and I pray hoping that I don't trip in these heels. He opens up the big door and I'm literally blown away. Beautiful hard wood, mirrors on every wall, he has a sound booth and from all the speakers around I can tell that this would be an amazing place to dance.

"Wow," I state in shock.

"I know. This is mine, every thing I paid for and installed." He smiles looking around proud of himself.

"This is amazing." There are no other words to describe this place. He walks over to the sound booth. He turns on some music. Take me to church by Hozier. He starts dancing and it the most attractive thing I have ever seen. He just gets lost as I take a seat on the floor mesmerized by him. When he's finished I clap.

"Why don't you dance like that at school?" I ask him. "I bet that's better than anything Justin could do."

"I don't know." Wilson shrugs. "When I get lost like that it's- just personal and I don't want to show everyone that side-"

"Because they'll judge you and that's the last thing you need when you put your heart out on the line like that." I say quietly. He is staring at me.

"Exactly." He says. My hearts starts pounding. He gets it. He gets me. I have never felt this way before towards another person. We just stare at each other for a little while. "How about next time I bring you here you dance with me?"


"Please don't say no. Just think about it." He looks me in the eye and I'm frozen.

"I'll think about it." I whisper.

"Thank you."


"What happened after that?" Brianna asks.

"He was a complete gentleman. He took me back towards the house. We laid in the back of this truck watching the sun set."

"Oh my gosh he's perfect." She gushes. "Why didn't I think to move on him?"

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