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Friday flew by. Almost everyone is talking about the play. Sasha came up and threatened me about auditioning for Helena, but I don't care, I'm going to do it whether she likes it or not. I'm walking around my room after my work out around nine am when Brianna, Jayna and Lucy come running in my room.

"Look at how awesome she made this room look!" Lucy says as they walk in.

"I know it makes my room looks sad." Brianna says.

"Mine too." Jayna agrees.

"Hey your up!" Lucy states.

"Yes I have been up since seven." I tell them.

"What were you doing?" Jayna asks.

"I couldn't sleep." I say and its not a lie either. I woke up at six not being able to sleep, I tossed and turned for an hour before getting up and starting my work out.

"Nervous for your date?" Lucy smiles at me.

"Something like that." Brianna smirks at me. More along the lines of, scared that he will find out that Grace is actually Mae and that I have been lying to everyone about this and my secret would be out.

"Ok, well lets go and eat, Then we can start getting you ready." Jayna says. We go out into the living area. We make pancakes and talk about anything and everything. It's nice to just have girl time. I missed it, but then I remember that last time I didn't have friends that liked me for me.

"So what do you want to wear? " Lucy asks as Jayna and Brianna head over to my closet.

"Something cute but no dresses, don't want him to think I tried too hard." I tell them. They nod. We spend about an hour looking for the perfect outfit.

"What about this?" Jayna asks me. It's a white crop top with a jean jacket over it and a bright green skirt with white wedges to complement it.

"That would be perfect on her!" Brianna says.

"Or this!" Lucy holds up another outfit. It's a white flowing crop top and jean shorts with lace covering them with white flats.

"I don't know. I think I'll do Lucy's." I say as I grab the outfit. The girls leave the room and I start putting it on. After I get it on, I put Jayna's outfit in my bag with a pair of dance shorts. "You can come back in." They look at it and they all gush about how amazing I look in it. I look at the time as my stomach growls.

"Guys it's already twelve!" Jayna says as I hear the front door open.

"Guys!" Zac's voice carries through the house. "I'm hungry!" We exit my room as I see Trevor and Zac.

"Whoa." Trevor says looking me up and down. I blush a little as Zac turns to look at me and is speechless as well.

"Does it look ok?" I ask them.

"Damn this guy is so lucky. If I didn't like men I would be all over you." Lucy says as I smile at her.

"Make me something to eat!" Brianna smiles at me. I do as I'm told and start making food. I make some chicken sandwiches. I can't help but feel Zac and Trevor's eyes on me.

"Who is this dude again?" Trevor asks.

"You guys wont know him." I say.

"Where did you meet him?" Brianna asks me.

"At work." I smile at them but its forced.

"Oh ok that makes sense." Brianna says. After lunch the girls do my hair and make up. I tell them that the date is at 2 instead of 3, Miss Kim agreed to help me with the wig when I get to the studio. I leave my dorm at one fifty and head straight to the studio.

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