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When the bell for AMB rings I am out of there faster than ever. Of course the group is right behind me making plans for today.

"Mae, we are all going to go talk to Miss Kim to see if we can meet her prodigy. Do you want to come?"

"I have a family thing." I feel horrible for lying.

"Okay. Enjoy it. See you tomorrow?" They ask as I nod my head. I walk back to my dorm as quickly as I can. I rush into my room and grab a bin from under my bed. I change into dance clothes. I get my bag and put on a hoodie before I rush out of the dorm area. I enter the studio and start stretching. I keep my head down and hood up in case someone comes in.

"No, Zac. You cannot meet my new student," Miss Kim says entering the studio. I feel my heart beat faster. I roll into my center split and hold my head on the ground hoping no one would see my face.

"Why not Miss Kim?"

"She is not interested in meeting you. She would like her identity to remain a secret and I respect that. This is her first practice. Please do not drive her away." Miss. Kim looks back at my friends as I roll out of my center split and into my right split. "Tell you what. You can watch from the top balcony." I start to freak out inside as they all leave to go up there.

turned to look at Miss Kim. "Why are you letting them stay?"

"If they see you dance they will go away."

"They are my friends. What if they recognize me?" I ask her.

She looks at me. "Don't face the back."

I nod as I sit on the ground again to continue stretching.

"How much longer do you need to stretch?"

"I need at least ten minutes more," I tell her.

"I need you to preform a number for my from each genre."

"Okay, I think I can do that."

"Which genre will you perform first?"

"I will preform one of my favourite jazz numbers. What about my hair?"

"I have a wig in the side room if you would like?" She says jokingly. I nod my head. She takes me into the side room and helps me get the wig pinned in place. I take off my hoodie.

"Does it look natural?" I ask her. The brown curls rush by my face.

"You actually look good," She says with a smile as I do a couple of acro moves to make sure it'll stay. "You ready?" I nod as we walk back into the practice room. I tell her which song I want to dance to and get in position.

I put my everything into the dance, loving the feeling of getting lost in the music.
Miss. Kim yells out things while I move across the floor. "Longer extensions! Watch your posture and facial expressions." I try to do what she has suggests. Then after I finish. The music ends and I stand panting in my finishing position. She gestures to me to move to the back of the room.

First I do pique turns all the way down the room, next is switch splits, after that grand jetes down the room. Then she makes me do them in a sequence. Pique, run run, grand jete, pique run run, switch split, pique, run run, brise. Then she makes me stand in the middle of the room and do as many pirouettes as I can, then fouettes and a la seconde turns. Soon my body is coated in a thick layer of sweat. My clothes stick to my skin.

After that I go and get on my pointe shoes and a drink of water. Soon after that it starts all over. I show her my best pointe routine and then we do steps down the room. Then turns and then she switches me to tap, to ballet, to ballroom, to contemporary, and modern.

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