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It's been a week since our last competition and auditions are in Monday which I'm so nervous for. Wilson is out of town, turns out a relative just died and that's why we couldn't have our date last week and he also had to cancel this week because of the funeral which I completely understand.

It's currently Sunday and I'm training all day today and trained all day yesterday with Miss Kim for my audition piece! I spent all week with either Miss Kim or Trevor who is helping me with the singing part of the audition. Everything has to be perfect. Miss Kim and I picked the most perfect song for the dancing audition. All we are by one republic. It has quite a few stunts that showcase what I can do and I just love it. By the time it's finished its like a minute and a half long. I don't know how long it's supposed to be but Miss Kim said they wanted me to dance more to just improvise! Which I love the idea of. I go to bed early knowing that Monday is coming faster than ever. I already know how the audition will work because of what Mrs Darm told me. I wake up Monday refreshed and ready for everything.

I get into an old costume that I can dance in and still look almost normal in. It's purple with pink flowers on the top and a beautiful purple flowing skirt with shorts under it. I pin my hair away from my face as best as I can knowing it probably wont last but it's worth it. For the people auditioning for the main roles, we get the whole day off of classes.

"You ready Mae?" Brianna asks me. I nod nervous as ever but also excited. There are three parts to it, Mrs Darm said, Drama, Singing and lastly Dance. You get a mark out of ten for each then altogether it will be out of thirty. Singing first, Drama second and lastly Dance. Everyone gets to watch your audition for all three. We walk into the auditorium looking at the list, there are at least two people auditioning for each roll.

Puck- Joey Mason, Zac Gibbson, and Jason Randi

Oberon- Lindon Baxter and Garret Brandon.

Titania-  Lia Crench, Jayna Coleman, and Rachel Bennit.

Hermia- Brianna Strike and Holland Kelley

Helena- Sasha Vromen and Mae Perrin

Demetrius- Justin Lott, Tanner Jacobs and Ryan Mickle.

Lysander- Wilson Warner, Felix Gander, and Josh Hidner.

Theseus-  John Sewer and Trevor Martens.

Hippolyta- Lucy Toms and Miranda Simpleton.

That's a long line so no wonder this is going to take all day. There are no phones aloud in the auditorium as well, everyone auditioning had to put it in the bucket by the door so there is no video taping. If you are caught with your phone you will be removed from the play for good. I like that rule that way if I suck no one can hold this against me.

"Alright so we will be going down the list in order. First we will start with singing then drama and lastly dance, each of us teachers will give you a mark out of ten you will get an over all mark out of thirty , that combined with the knowledge of the teachers, decisions will be made." Mrs Darm says. Everyone nods.

"Alright we are starting the singing round with Joey Mason who is auditioning for Puck, Keep in mind that you get a single song so make sure it's good." Mr Carmichael states. Joey, Justin and Wilson's friend takes the stage. He picked a rap song that I don't know and I'm instantly hoping he doesn't get any singing part in the play. The list goes on and of course I start to compare myself to the other singers. Most of them are doing like karaoke versions and no one does my song. Sasha goes right before me and sings a nice version of an Alicia Key's song. It's very upbeat and I like it. Trevor who is playing the guitar comes up with me as I introduce myself.

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