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"Wilson?" I ask and then I remember that Grace isn't supposed to know who Wilson is or what his name is.

"Yea how did you- oh right Mae is your cousin."

"Of course." I smile, thankful that he came up with an excuse.

"That dance was amazing." I blush a little.

"It's no big deal just something I threw together." I tell him.

"You choreographed that?" He looks shocked.

"Yea it's something I used to do at my old studio all the time." I state. "Just something to get my head off things and to calm me down."

"That's so cool. Can I maybe see it again?" He asks and I nod. I ask him to press play and as he does I dance again. He has always been there for me which is amazing. I have never had someone that cares about me enough to do something like that, that's not related to me.

"You are incredible." My blush gets deeper and I can feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"Thanks. I have a competition coming up this weekend so I have to stay in shape."

"Could I maybe see that routine too?" He asks me.

"Yea but then you have to show me one of yours."

"Deal." I smirk as I find the song to the hardest solo I have done so far. I start the routine and my demeanour changes to a more serious one. I dance my hardest making sure to use facials and jump as high as I can and point my feet harder than ever. I give it my all like I would if I was performing it on the stage.

"That was beautiful!"

"Thanks now it's your turn."

"Well the only dance I need to really work on is my duet with Hermia."

"Who are you in the play?" I ask him.

"Lysander." He tells me. "Maybe I could show you it. I recorded me and the girl who plays Hermia together so I could get it down properly." He pulls out his phone and I watch as mini Brianna and mini Wilson dance. There seems to be a lot of lifts.

"Let's try it." I smile at him.

"Seriously?" He looks shocked.

"Yea you have to get amazing at it and I can give you pointers." I smile at him.

"Well okay I guess." We go through it roughly. I know I should probably not learn another dance but as soon as this night is over I can put it out of my head. Once I get down the steps we decide to try it with the music. I dance my hardest with him and then I remember what comes after this dance. Hermia and Lysander share a passionate kiss. We go through the dance a couple times until he gets it. When the song ends we are both breathing heavily. His face is so close to mine. His arms are wrapped around me and I love the feeling. He makes me feel safe.

"I..." I start to see as his lips get closer to mine. I instinctively close my eyes waiting to feel his lips on mine but he pulls away. I'm shocked at first but he just leaves the studio.

"Wilson?" I say but he is already gone.


"Where were you yesterday?" Brianna asks me early the next morning. Brianna and I have our solos for the competition today.

"Went to the studios to practice." I tell here.

"I see. You nervous?"

"Nah, you?"

"It's been a while since I have done a solo." She says.

"Yea but your going to do amazing!" I smile at her. We get all of our stuff together before walking to where the bus that will take us to the competition is. I keep focus and sit by my self. I listen to pump up music all the way there just getting into the zone. We get to the venue I decide to walk around for a little. It seems that Wilson is avoiding me but if that's what he wanted there is nothing I can do to change it.

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